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Qualifications required ?


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My family are in the process of uprooting and moving lock,stock & barrell to France in the New Year. We have bought ourselves an old forge which we will be renovating.Part of the property consists of a barn with earth floor.Rather than pay to hire a mini digger my husband plans on buying one,using it for the renovation and then hiring himself out with it. 

 Is it as simple as that ?  In all the bunf I have submerged myself in re paying into the local tax system,registering to work,etc I have recently heard that when registering you need to show certificates , qualifications in your given trade.

Is there such a qualification for using a mini digger (or mini-pellutuse) ? If so,anyone know of who to contact to get relevant qualification please ???


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The only people who can tell you what papers you need are the local Chambre de Metiers where your husband will have to register himself as an artisan in France. All depts/regions have differing requirements and some are more stricter than others,hence they will be the only reliable source of info for you.
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I've looked at this myself (I already owned/used a mini-JCB).

I didn't bother to register (which seems relatively easy), because of the laws regarding towing a trailer carrying the weight of a 1.5T digger and the licence and registration implications. Insurance seemed disproportionately expensive. Which probably explains why, in this area at least, hiring a "man with a digger" is nigh on impossible. Of course, if you can overcome the obstacles, you should find plenty of (relatively) well-paid work.

Other problem is disposing of the dig. It appears that you can't just take it to the local landfill, as I would do in the UK. Always assuming you have some means of transporting it. And a dumper. And an assistant, to constantly clear the particularly sticky Breton clay from the bucket. And are skilled at repairing sewers and electrical cables, 'cos the ******s never mark them...

So my 801 just sits in the garage and digs the occasional hole in the garden.

Don't let me put you off, though. Not that I am bitter or anything. *******s.


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Nick , thanks for that illuminating reply and a very informative one.A couple of things there for us to consider !

We don't actually move over there until the end of January'ish....so I think a couple of courses are called for in sewer maintenance ! As for the labourer..well I think I know who's got that job !





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