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working both in France and the UK


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Can anyone help with this one. On my regular visits to France, when people learn of my unusual trade, I am often asked to undertake work. I am still trying to find a way to spend more time in France by transferring some of my business activities.  My meetings with the Chambre de Metiers were useful in that I could easily have a French arm of the business and not be required to take any courses but would have to enter the French tax and insurance system with all the hassle that entails.  I wonder if I undertake limited repair activities that are shuttled back and forwards between the UK and France or at least invoiced to a Euro account in the UK, whether I can avoid having to operate within the French system administratively.


Thanks for any help.


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It will all depend on the nature of your work. if you can demonstrate that the work is being carried out in the UK, for example if your were repairing antiques, then it should be possible to stay outside the French system. On the other hand if you were repairing things that had to remain in France then it would prove more difficult.
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We repair and restore antique clocks, watches and jewellery.  I could easily collect some jobs in France, do a bit of work on extended breaks and take the rest back with me to do in the UK.  Obviously I would prefer to invoice from the UK if this would avoid the nesessity of setting up a French arm to the company.







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If you spend most of your time in UK, then you can take work from any EU country and remain in the UK tax and NI system. However if you live primarily in France and/or your main economic activity is in France then you are obliged to join the French social security and tax system.
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