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How long does it take to get a job?


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Yesterday Mr 0 went for an interview. He was given a slot for 3pm. Left home in plenty of time for the 20 min drive(2.15 ish). He returned home at 7,15pm.....and no he hadn`t visited the bar!

A bit of  hand on experience was required to demonstate that he could do the work with his eyes closed, there were 6 other candidates who all had to prove the same experience.

Then Into the office for what I can only describe as an Induction talk which went on for over 2 hours.

What was the possision you ask yourself(unless you know Mr O).....very highly skilled HGV driver class 1 with all the necessary passes for French driving....but the job is a temp vacancy for 4 weeks!

He set his tacho and backed on to a loading bay and drove around a roundabout and back to the depot in less than 5 mins!

Is this the longest interview ever?

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Just to add it was an anpe "request" that one attented the "interview"mileage at the start was****21 mileage at the end of test ****22 with card marked excelent driver,ps today recu a phone call telling the said MrO that I have got the job,now trying to say nicely in french it would be better if you give it to a french driver.MrO
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  • 4 weeks later...

Following the 5 hour interview,I recieved 2 phone messages last week for Mr O(he was away) neither of which I could understand as the person making them was a  monotoned ,bored stiff functionaire and muttered into the phone, I got the general drift of who he was( the phone no was a givaway!!) today Mr O decided, after getting the engaged signal for 2 days , to visit the company as he didn`t want his allocation to be stopped through lack of effort.

He met the `tranport manager` in the hope that all these well paid jobs had been taken, only to be sent to the`Medicin de travaile` for a medical. OK why not ...insurance for the job etc. Medical went ok ,except for he is now invited ,free of charge to go for a examen de pulmonary(sp) due to a past chest/breathing infection......still no certain job offer, which is only going to be tempory.  watch this space!

Do we take it that most of the other people sat waiting who did`nt look 100% are being examined because they are long term sick?

Ps , didn`t he do well, he has grown 2 cms in the past 3 years (last medical) ...no he is not a child he is over 40!!

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 Yes he got the job, that is why they sent him for a medical but hey this is France..he took his Medical slip(A1) back to the company, now he is avoiding answeing the phone in case it is theml, will post if anything comes of it! Mrs O.
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