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getting a Siret number


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Hi all

I keep reading that getting a siret number is the only way to officially trade in France. 

We let out a couple of properties and manage a couple more, however, we have a few other options to top up our earnings but want to do things correctly.

We've been paying taxes into the French system for the past year and are registered as a micro enterprise.  So initially we thought that as long as we declared our gross earnings and were within certain thresholds, this was all that was required. 

Would appreciate knowing whether in our circumstances we require a siret number and if so, who we need to speak to in order to get one sorted.





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If you are registered as a Micro you should have a Siret No. Probably in the paperwork somewhere. The problem is that the Siret only covers you for the business it is affiliated with, if you want to do other types of work you need to register to do that work and 'I think' from people I have spoken to that you get another Siret for each type of buisness.

Go to the office where you registered and talk to them. They have the answers, and know better than most of us.

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Thanks Di

Did wonder if we already had the number but there are so many on the form that wasn't sure.

We currently manage our own properties which include pools. The tax office know about this but we keep getting asked about pool maintenance for others, so have decided to take on a few of these. Therefore not sure if we'll need another number or not but will trundle along anyway as it's probably safer.





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All people we know who work have been through either the chambre de commerce for non professionals or chambre de metiers for artisans.  You also receive a renewal document each year to carry with you for the police etc with your siret no on so it may be wise to check this route out.



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'Are you getting confused between Micro-bic - a tax regime

and Micro-Entreprise - registration of business, as Hazel says, at Chambre de Commerce or Chambre de Metiers?'

Probably am to be honest.  It does refer to us as a micro enterprise on our tax return.

What's the difference?


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