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Launching a magazine


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I would like to launch a local magazine down here in the South...don't worry no competition to Living France!!

I'm guessing that the way it's all set up here there will be a certain amount of hoops to jump through...(!)

I can get to the bottom of all the legal company stuff but I'm more interested about legalities around publishing and printing...how can I proceed (positively)and legally thus giving my idea a chance??

Any tips of getting back to work greatly appreciated!
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Obviously you know that you've got a market but when you refer to the legalities I think you need to decide if this is going to be a little DIY publication within the community - as a service? - or a full-blown income-generating proposition. If the latter, you will need to get advice from your notaire.

I'm a publisher and it's pretty straight-foward these days as far as the technical aspects are concerned. In the Var, there's a little publication which now has a pretty big circulation, The Var Village Voice - see their web site for prices and further info re listings etc. Not knowing exactly what you want to do makes it difficult to give specific advice. I don't publish this but I find it useful! [I'm more into books etc.]


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hi Jan

Thanks for replying back!

I have approached an accountant still waiting for them to respond. I hadn't thought of notaire but I have got one so will try him too.

I'm looking to produce a 32 page give away magazine that will generit an income eventually for me.

Have found out some more info since posting such as I need to register with the Tribunal in the area I print - am currently getting quotes from printers so not sure which one yet!I am hoping they will tell me how I need to format the data so that its photo ready.

I haven't got to distribution yet(don't worry I am only in the analysis/research phase!) I know there are 2 bodies that paying publications subscribe to but I won't be charging...so I need to get more info and ideas here.

Ideally I'm looking for some websites that i can subscribe to that will help me along my way...so I will check out the site you mentioned .. thanks for that!

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