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Registration & areas of work


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Not practical or economical though when you take into effect costs for travelling,digs,time spent searching for local materials suppliers and still competing with local artisan's prices on the devis toyour clients unless it is a huge project where you can stay for weeks at a time but then you would need to take on employees and pay for their costs too and they would only work 35/39hours. We used to travel a bit when we first started again in France,but now we refuse to go further than 40mins travelling time,it just isn't viable and especially with the escalating cost of diesel too against the profit from work. Once registered in France with all the relevent papers and insurances you can work wherever you like.
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It's a fact of life running a renovations business in France that distances travelled are going to be greater. I have 4 work vans/trucks on the road and due partly to some of the points raised by Val2 above, I also limit my clientelle to withing 45 mins drive from my base. This way I can give the after sales service and be available for any breakdowns or callouts.  Anyone who takes on an artisan who lives further than this away from them may well find them hard to get back if anything goes wrong with the job, or they need an emergency callout.  Most artisans work local or as local as possible.

However in answer to the original post, there are no geographical limits, as long as you are registered and insured for the trades you undertake.


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