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Childminding in France

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Sorry about the delay in getting back to you - was away for the weekend!

To become an assistante Maternelle you need to get in touch with either the Service P.M.I in your region (BTW I am in 24 the Dordogne in the NW corner) or the DDSP (Direction Departementale de la Solidarite et de la Prevention) asking that you would like to become an assistante maternelle. They will send you an invitation to a Reunion d'Information which is a day long course/discussion group where you will receive the dossier on all the info you need as well as the applicaiton forms.

The application form is fairly straight forward requiring all the standard info plus details of your home/whether you have animals/your child minding experience/details of the other people in your household/a letter from the doctor stating you're in good health. You will subsequently then get a visit to your home to discuss the application and to inspect your home for its safety (we had to get our pool fenced as it wasn't at the time).

You can apply to child mind up to 3 children in your home (at any one time - you could have more on your books). The Conseil General will take the final decision on the number you are agremented for based on the reports sent to them by the PMI/DDSP and how many you have asked for. I have been agremented for 2 children. The agrement lasts for 5 years and to renew it you must sit 60 hours of 'formation' (I have no idea what that would involve!)

Pay is not great. Basically the tarifs are 'libres' in that it is up to you and your employer to decide on what they are going to pay you but there are minimum and maximum rates set by the Caisse d'Allocations Familiales (CAF) as the parents may be able to claim back some of your pay and so it must fall with-in these limits if they are to make a claim.

There are also local support groups - the Relais Assistantes Maternelles who also organise days out as well as giving you practical support on any aspect of being an AM.

For each child you have to complete a Contrat de Travail with the parents which details all the personal info on the child/contact info for the parents/any medical issues/hours of care/level of pay/authorisation for you to take the child out in the car or on trips etc etc.

You also have to take out liability insurance - mine is included on our household insurance and they issued me with an attestation that I copy to my employers.

There is a big demand for AM's. I have had several calls from parents looking for one (your local Mairie will be aware of your Agrement and will forward parents to you as well as the PMI/DDSP). At the moment I only child mind one 2 year old boy on Fridays but there is certainly the demand if you want to work full time.

If you have any more questions please don't hesitate to PM me.

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Having re-read my post above, I ought to expand a bit re the pay.

The 'Tarifs d'Accueil des Assistantes Maternelles a partir de Janvier 2005' are:

Minimum horiare 2.25 x SMIC/8 (SMIC being the minimum wage in France @ 5.90net/7.61 brut) that equates to just 1.66euros per hour (2.14 brut)

Maximum horaire 5 x SMIC/8 = 3.69euros net per hour (4.76 brut)

On top of this basic pay you get 10% holiday pay per month, can charge 'entretien' of 2.65+ per day per child which covers the purchase of games/toys/equipment etc, charge for meals provided by yourself and costs of transport if you have to take/collect the child from anywhere.

Your employer calculates the cotisations which he pays directly to URSAFF on a trimesterly return and pays you the net figure and provides you with a pay slip detailing the cotisations.

If I think of anything else I'll post again later (not feeling too well at the mo - the heat's getting to me!)
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