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Complete France Forum

Company Name (Marque)


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This post has been going downhill badly, advice has been given wrongly or righly but the fact is people have been giving their time to give advice and then in typical fashion nasty things happen and it all goes out the window what shocks me is that a Forum Guru
inflames it all and joins in the argument instead of pacifying it you will not be surprised to here what people on the "other" forum say about this one when you look at all the good advice that has been given over the years this could be a very good and informative way to spend a little time each evening so come on everyone lets be nice and work together
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Can we get some things straight please.

This is a public message board and gives 'titles'  to posters and for all I do not want one,  I can't do anything about them giving me one.

I post on here, like everyone else and that is all, I have no role, no 'function'.


I do not purport to be other than a poster  who lives in France and has her own views on France and living in France.


And who else says what? What are you talking about, I really do not understand.


I do disagree with some of TK's comments and said so. I think both TK and myself are rather fortunate people. We both came to France with things to help us live here. He with assets enough to buy somewhere and family help too. We with a job and a small deposit to buy a house and boy were they bloody expensive when we moved to this region. I just don't believe that people who are unfortunate could do all he has done and his encouragement is not only misplaced but unfair too. Also one cannot get RMI under the age of 25 and one never knows who is reading...... it is a public message board after all.

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I now believe I am wrong to give any advice on this subject, my personal experiences can be of little help to any-one and I have no wish to give false hope/information to people.

To be honest, I am also tired of getting up peoples noses on forums.

This forum is generally more mature than the 'Other' forum and I have no wish to bring down the level by losing my rag or fighting my corner.

Sorry for the offence caused... I'm off to cut grass in the rain...again...

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TK, on a post on another thread you were a lot clearer with your information, well I thought you were. Only I didn't say anything, because I didn't want you taking my posting the wrong way. This is a public message board and if you have something to say, you really do have as much right as anyone to say something, whether others like it or not.

Just because I haven't liked some of what you said, is neither here nor there. And it is obvious you haven't liked what I have said either and that is neither here nor there either. If there is a debate, then people can see all the sides and it can help them make their minds up properly.

You never know we may be in complete agreement about something one of these days.


Ah the 'other' forum, that is what the other post was about, I wouldn't know what was being said over there I don't look in.

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