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HGV class 2


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Hello all,

We are moving to SW France 81 as soon as we have sold up here. We do not have jobs to go to in France yet but we are capable hard workers and determined to find work. My husband is capable of many building jobs roofing, tiling, bricklaying etc. He is also considering taking his HGV class 2 here in England before we move. So to add another 'string to his bow'. Does anyone know if there is much call for class 2 drivers in France in 81 area? Or would he be wasting his time and money on taking the test for class 2? Any advice/opinions would be welcome.

Thank you.




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Do you realise what french salaries are like. You will probably only do a 39 hour week and no overtime to speak of, lots of such jobs only pay the SMIC which is french minimum wage means you may pick up £650 a month maybe less before income tax.
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[quote]Do you realise what french salaries are like. You will probably only do a 39 hour week and no overtime to speak of, lots of such jobs only pay the SMIC which is french minimum wage means you may pick ...[/quote]

Yes we are well aware of French salaries, did i say we wanted to earn loads of money!! That is not the reason we are moving there. We are not going there to 'scrounge' either. We want to work under French law and earn our own living.
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Wasn't there a big hoo-ha a couple of years back about the government wanting to retire lorry drivers at 55years old or was it the other way round that the drivers wished to retire then and the government said no? Whatever,wages are not high here as you pay for your old age as soon as you start working for the next 40years.
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Hello Lynian and welcome to the forum! Nothing like a bit of encouragement is there

I'm sure that if your husband concentrates on the building work brings his papers over (proof of employment in a trade for three years), advertises and susses out the competition and the area whilst registering with the Chambres de Metiers - he will get work. There seems to be plenty around for good, reliable tradespeople (at least, here in the Charente there is!).

My advice is though to bring enough capital to keep you for a couple of years as it takes time to do all of the above (and you'll always need a cushion), and learn French!

Best of luck. If we can do it, others can!!

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I agree with Zeb, but would add, it was on the news recently that HGV businesses in France aren't working so well at the moment with fuel taxes and also because other neighbouring European countries (Belgium, Luxembourg) seem to be helping out those who work in haulage more, but this is not happening in France. Therefore there are not the contracts there once were.

Anyway, welcome to the forum. You seem to have such a positive and open minded attitude to coming to France, I'm sure you will make your move a success!
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Hello Touranqelle and Zeb, thank you for your kind words and useful advice.

I may be a 'newbie' but i'm certainly not stupid! We have been planning our move to France for over a year. I have been visiting France for 20 years. Unfortunately we are always going to come across negative people who want to knock us back C'est la vie!!

If there is anyone else who can answer/give advice on our valid question (it's not about money or unemployment) we would be happy to hear from you.


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I object to the inference that telling you what wages you can expect is in any way negative. That the pay can be poor here is not my fault. It is just comme ça. In fact, I would imagine that most people work for their wages and like some idea as to what they will earn. I NEVER said don't come or don't do it.

There isn't only positive, there is reality too.

You want to know what employers want, well why don't you just try the anpe site. That is where one looks for jobs and employers mention all the qualifications they expect with their offre d'emploi. And then you'll have some idea won't you.

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[quote]I object to the inference that telling you what wages you can expect is in any way negative. That the pay can be poor here is not my fault. It is just comme ça. In fact, I would imagine that most peop...[/quote]

Off it goes again!!! yawn yawn yawn
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As many will tell you, it is pretty important, that to even get through an interview, you will need to speak fairly good French or it's the chicken sheds or the fish farm for you me hearties, well it is here.

For goodness sake, some people are giving you the reality of it all, not telling you to ****** off and don't even come here.

What do people want to here, the truth or "plenty of work, no probs" ?

Well I can tell you that it is tough enough around here in Brittany just for the French and according to our local rag, every month it repeats that it is going to get even tougher. Take your pick what you want to believe but good luck anyway.

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Well Forum Newbie how did you like your LF welcome, it seemed a bit like a Glasgow Kiss to me.

I am sorry that neither I nor anybody else can give you the information you originally asked for but the best of luck when you make your move and lets hope you have a more friendly response to further postings.


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Thank you to the people who have sent me private messages, much appreciated!!!



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[quote]going back to the question !! do you not have to provide proof that you have been employed for the last 3 years in this occupation, this could be hard if you have not even passed your test yet....[/quote]

hi ,

just thaught id mention something that no one has mentioned my husband is an hgv driver has been for 24 yrs hm forces ect,before he can get any driving jobs over here he has to sit a 4 week exam . to be able to get his fimo. which french employers expect. but dont give up hope we have been here 12 mnths. and there is always employment agencys that are willing to employ you ,

diane 22:

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  • 3 weeks later...

[quote]Hello all, We are moving to SW France 81 as soon as we have sold up here. We do not have jobs to go to in France yet but we are capable hard workers and determined to find work. My husband is capable...[/quote]

hi , hope you are still enthusiastic about coming to france I am a newbie too and have done the same , i have been in sw france for eight months and the only real qualification I have is a class one hgv ( artic lorries) , I have done lots of finding out here and really unless your husband is a hardened international lorry driver the its not worth it. I have been for a job as a local driver but the fimo certificate is obligatory and costs around 1,800 euros and is of course taught in french. your husband is far better off seeking employment in the building trade.



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  • 3 weeks later...
I just had to put my 2p worth in here.

Teamedup and outcast - do you have to be so bloody rude and abrupt to people, learn the grace of writing poison with kindness for god's sake.

When I first looked into this forum quite a few years ago now (regardless of what my date joined says) it was a nice place. People like you two really put others off and spoil what was a fantastic place. Sooner or later you'll end up bitching to yourselves - HAVE FUN!

ex living france regular
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