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Falling House Prices around the MED ?

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Report in "Times" ( Weds.8th March 2006 - Page 4 )- well a brief paragraph alluding to falling house prices in Med. area. Report by Royal Institurtion of Chartered Surveyors who had studied 18 countries. They stated that greatest house price rises, last year, were in Estonia and Denmark at 28% and 22% respectively. TV programme effect maybe ?
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For goodness sake, get your houses valued if you want the answers to your questions.

But of course you don't want the answers, you just want to be you, rather than  the thinly veiled 'le Bouffon lite' version of you that you have been adopting here recently after being sacked (for the 2nd or was it the 3rd time?) off that other forum.

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[quote user="Debra"]Ouch!  That was a bit harsh, Tresco - not like you!  [/quote]

It's actually very much me Debra, but I had a moment of weakness in my 'ignore' policy, which usually keeps it under control these days.  

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Tresco,please read the post heading and then if you have anything remotely to add to the subject please do as I await it with untold excitement,I mean do you live down here(feel I can answer this thread as I can see "La Med"from my terrace),any help you may need in the price of property down here do not feel bashfull,just ask and in my own way would love to help.Have a nice day.
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