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Importing French goods to UK?

Mr T

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Not sure that this really fits the forum name as it's not about earning a living *in* France, rather earning a living *out of* France... but I couldn't find anywhere more suitable to post this.

Question is: is there anyone out there that has made a business out of buying goods in France and selling them in the UK? And if so, are there good sources of information that may help someone considering doing this?

As someone who visits France frequently (second home owner) I have wondered if it would be possible to run a small-scale - maybe even part-time - business importing specific French products and selling them mail order / over internet to UK buyers. But I don't know whether there is legislation to comply with - either French rules on exporting or UK ones on importing.

Can anyone offer any advice?

Thanks in advance

Mr T
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Although you do not say what sort of goods you are thinking of selling, the biggest problem you are likely to face is with VAT (TVA).*

How do you propose buying the items you intend to sell?   Wholesale? with VAT or without - since you will be exporting them.  If the latter you will have to be registered in the UK and have your UK VAT number - and if your suppliers are not used to handling such business, you will have to explain the EU VAT regulations to them - don't ask, I've been on 3 seminars and I am still not sure that I understand.   And have to explain them to them in French.


The worst case would be that you buy goods in France inclusive of TVA and then sell them in the UK and have to add UK VAT on top.

Whatever happens you will need to have proper shipping documentation (C&E approved) if this is being run as a business.

* the exception here would be anything that attracts UK duty (as opposed to VAT) where you will have specific limits on what you can bring into the UK, and these are for your personal use - booze, fags etc..

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Thanks. I will look into the VAT/TVA subject, although I'm hoping that there's lower limits on turnover that will allow me to keep this simple - like I say, at the moment it's an idea on a small-scale additional source of income rather than a full-blown business. I'll also check out the shipping documentation question at the Customs website.

In terms of product types: I'm not thinking of alcohol, tobacco, food or anything that is likely to have restrictions/legislation - more likely to be specific regional French products that you can't get in UK - hand-made gifts etc... this may determine what type of suppliers, and how *they* are set up from a TVA point of view...?

I appreciate this sounds quite vague but I just want to find some more information before I spend too much time firming up the idea.

If you know any online sources of information on the VAT issue, I'd be grateful if you could pass on.

There must be people out there that have done this.... :-)
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Having sourced computer equipent from within the EU as part of my business a few years back and I am talking several thousands of pounds worth I can tell you that there are go restrictions within the EU.

There are restrictions on alchol and tobaco products set by the UK Customs and Excise but out side of that there is little or no regulations.

It would be worth your while registering for VAT in the UK as you will not be able to buy TVA free in France for export to the UK or any other EU country. The same applies if exporting from the UK to France.

If you register for VAT youi will be able to claim the TVA back but then you must charge VAT on the goods when you sell them. You are then able to pocket the difference between the two rates. The VAT form did 4 years ago enable you to do this. I cannot say about the current forms but I suspect they are the same.

I don't know the current level at where you must register for VAT in the UK as I have not been registered for 4 years now but even if you are under the limit you can volantarily register.

Hope this helps.

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