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Agency offering free advice (for now)

Been there done that

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Hi everyone

this is my first post and I hope that someone can assist before I e.g. seek advice from a French accountant. This idea is in its early days  and I am trying to get a picture of the thing before I take the idea further.

I have an idea to set up an agency (for want of a better word) that is a free resource to all users to begin with but (hopefully) in time will be a service I can charge for. It would be done by phone and on the internet in the main.

Can I do this without any formalities before I charge any fees?

When things develop to a point where I charge modest fees (say amoounting to an anuual income of 3 -4 thousand euros) do I have to either set up a company or MicroBic or can I just pay tax through my personal tax regime.

Thanks in advance for any ideas or advice


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There are various services available offering help and advice, either for a fee, or through payment of a subscription. These are of variable quality, and at least one seems to get away with being a British registered company although its proprietors are in France. When this has been discussed previously on the forum, the concensus seems to be that it is working illegally (so its advice on such matters is somewhat devalued).

Definitely get advice from an accountant as this seems to be a very grey area. Only your own research, and gut feeling, however, can say whether the (probably shrinking) market needs another such service.

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  • 2 weeks later...
There are some regular plo******   on  this site who really get on my nerves. To those who offer neg advice and those who kiss   their butts please don't bother becoz your postings are worthless and omly serve  to  show   what   shallow  and   sad   people   you  are.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Some people are prehaps grasping at straws when it comes to business ideas...

'Is there any opening for a proffessional fart catcher... I have a lifetimes experience of cupping my hands around my derriere and letting go...Question is... will I have to register as a metier or commercant...?


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[quote user="Been there done that"]

Can I do this without any formalities before I charge any fees?

When things develop to a point where I charge modest fees (say amoounting to an anuual income of 3 -4 thousand euros) do I have to either set up a company or MicroBic or can I just pay tax through my personal tax regime.


Miki's right, go and see URSSAF and/or the Chamber of Commerce and/or the Professions Libérales bunch and/or an accountant.

From a thousand people on here, you'll get a thousand different answers!

The official line from the CdeC and PL in Montpellier is that no, you can't earn one single centime legally without some sort of formalities.   They were quite clear on this!    If you set up as a business, you'll be paying at least 2000 euros in cotisations for the first year.    A friend and I went to different formations about this, but the answer to both of us was that if you're only talking 4000 a year, your best bet is........ get a job!

So my friend continues with her noir English lessons and pockets at least 100 euros a week, and who can blame her? 



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"Can I do this without any formalities before I charge any fees?"

If you have the current (New Year 2006) issue of Living France magazine, turn to pages 40/41, where you will find an article entitled 'Work Search' about finding work in France. Quote from the article, about looking for work: "... put up notices that you are willing to teach English, put up shelves, weed gardens, wash cars, whatever. That way, people you don't know personally will see that you are looking for work, and while you're hunting, you might earn a few shillings."

I don't think, reading that passage in the context of the article, that it was the author's intention to encourage illegal activity, but it would seem to indicate that things are not as rigid as SB and others may suggest. Although it could be argued that anybody who doesn't know the present currency of Britain, let alone France and much of Europe, is not exactly an authority to be taken seriously [:D]

I agree with SB about the thousand different answers. Trouble is, a thousand French officials will probably give a thousand different answers too.

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Trouble is, a thousand French officials will probably give a thousand different answers too.

So let's see then, one thousand members views, times one thousand fonctionnaires take on things,  makes

..................blige me run out of fingers...............and

toes...................and matches................ but it's around a million !

One million different answers, blimey and they reckon that living here is a stress free walk in the parc.

Most answers I ever got in the UK was one..........it was a kinda take it or leave it sort of reply !

Did I tell you about the time I spent a few thousand Francs talking to

a French accountant in the Doo-Don who then told me at the end of our

parlance, that in his opinion, my best bet was to not bother working,

as most of our hard earned money would go to him, the governement and

the affiliated pirates ?

Didn't take any notice of course and now I wonder if my little terraced

gaff in London,  now supposedly worth 5 times what we sold it for,

might have been a better financial proposition, nah OK, perhaps not but

it kind of  get's to you on dark wintry nights when the next

centime seems so distant and giving English lessons is not really much

good, as I once had my spelling and grammar (sp) corrected buy a

virtual specialist and there were enarf sum errorrs  [;)]

Onwards and upwards, a 9€ lunch will put it all in

perspective............hang on a darned minute, we don't like 'em

though...............still it's the thought eh  [:D]

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