floozyfloozle Posted February 5, 2006 Share Posted February 5, 2006 Not particularly related to working in France but just work in general.Was wondering what other members of the forum here think about the situation below.Was watching "The Apprentice" tonight and I mustadmit I found it rather disappointing to find that the project managerwas not given a warning on the discrimination or I guess rather thedisintegration she sort of encouraged in the team.Basically apparently there is this girl who is of an Indiandescent, at least South Asian descent who had been disliked by theother team members except one (let's call her B) cause of herdisappointing performance previously, let's call her A. Even though Ican't tell for sure since I didn't see the show last week.She was trying to make it up by promoting herself to be theproject manager for the current task at the team's hand at that time,but the way she put it as she doesn't have the experience in marketingwhich is what the task was related to, she would like to take thechallenge if nobody else is going to step up.One other team member seemed to support her, which is B actually.But then another team member stepped up (let's call her C) tosuggest herself to be the project manager, claiming that she did haveexperience in marketing and advertising so the first girl, A didn't tryto make a strong case and instead stepped down.So then the team went to have a discussion on the mascot to create.The task is to create a mascot for a certain brand of product.After some brainstroming, the project manager, C divided the teaminto 2. Interestingly, the one who were sort of left behind are A, Band another girl whom I see not to fit the profile of the other teammembers, let's call her D.One other thing to note is that B at that time was still injuredand so it seems she was considered not to be useful to the team at thattime, and most likely was excluded also because of her support to A.After the mascot was created, the ones who went with the projectmanager had a little discussion among themselves that A should be theone to wear the costume.These 4 ladies, including the project manager went back to thefirst meeting room to gang-up against A to pressure her to wear thecostume. She declined basically by reason that since it looks silly,she thinks it would undermine her image as a businesswoman in front ofher employees and also embarrassing cause of the mascot's cartoonimage.Basically, the team lost as the logo was thought not to have enoughrepresentation of the company's brand nor the image the executiveswould like to project nor to cover a wide range of customers.And so later on, when the team was called to the board room to have one member to be fired, the decision was to fire A.The reasons that were mentioned were: that she didn't step up topromote herself to be a project manager and that she didn't make astrong case to refuse to wear the mascot's costume which was seen asher not contributing at all to the team's task.I must admit it went quite ugly when A later mentioned aboutreligion reason to refuse wearing the costume which she didn't mentionwhen she was "asked" (to put it politely, I must admit I really despisethis kind of attitude especially that seems to be quite common amonggirls, even though shockingly they are professionals who are supposedto be professional...) to wear the costume. So it was later seen byothers that she lied thru her teeth to sound that her reason is strongenough. Even though it might be true, the fact that she didn't make itclear, was indeed a big mistake. Although, I suppose some people arerather uncomfortable about mentioning religion understandably, eventhough it is the reason for something.But the way I see it, it doesn't seem to be the reason why the team lost.And it seems that even later B, agreed to fire A, and thereasons she stated were that the team wouldn't work with her in it (andimplicitly I guess cause obviously the others don't like her, at leastthe 4 who seem to stick together and the others wouldn't want to goagainst them) and cause she didn't make a stronger case to be theproject manager.And I found it disappointing that the fact it was veryunprofessional of the team leader/project manager nor the other 3 to dothis seggregation/separation of the team which is still at thebeginning of the show and to obviously gang-up agains a particularmember to put her in a difficult position to be able to find her faultto get rid of her basically.Then again, I guess especially in a working environment, this kindof injustice would not be mentioned for fear of going against themajority? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dog Posted February 5, 2006 Share Posted February 5, 2006 It is TV - it is all in the editing.I thought the first US series was the best. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iceni Posted February 5, 2006 Share Posted February 5, 2006 If this is a precis, we are glad we missed the programme.John and Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tmto Posted February 6, 2006 Share Posted February 6, 2006 If it was on TV, why the need for anonymity? Or were they called A, B, C and D in the programme? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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