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Living & Working in La Manche

Clare Comrie

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I say La Manche, as the market is so varied wherever you go in France.

We moved over permanently three years ago, after having our house for 18 years as a holiday home, and having sold up in the UK.

We started a business, HA HA!! We might have made it, my husband is a sign writer and silk screen printer by trade. However, we failed to notice the warning signs, and unfortunately he sufferd a cardiac attack, followed just as he was recovering nicely by a mini-stroke! Excellent, the cotisations were gushing out, and no money coming in, we had no choice but to fold the business and I went on the job trail! Ably assisted by ASSEDIC, not financially I hasten to add, just CV's ideas etc.

My background was semi-conductor sales for 25 years in the UK, so all I could think of was estate agents, I toured them all!

The very last one, hidden up a side street, asked where I had seen their ad!!! What ad? I replied, the rest is history.

I was contracted as an "independant commerciale" for one year, in that year I earnt 12,000 euros and paid 6,000 euros in VAT and cotisations! It then became a little muddy as to the legality of contracting someone who is not allowed to be truly independant, and they offered me the standard 6 months "contrat determiné" which I refused (theres bravery!!) as I needed a bank loan to buy a car, and I had slaved for them for one year for a pittance, I felt I had nothing to prove. The open contract was duly issued, I earn minimum wage plus commision, actualy they have rigged it so I have to EARN 1000 euros in commision each month to pay my wage, before I get any more, ie: no comission one month, I have to earn 2000 euros the next to be in the positive as it were! This is no critisism of the agency, but the entire system in France is a joke! You pay your own petrol, mobile, car, insurance - the lot. Bit of a change from my company Alpha Romeo and company mobile and free petrol in the UK!

Would I go back? I am asked that daily by clients making the move! No, I couldn't afford a house like mine in the UK, I like the area, I love the views, the wild life, the people, both French and British friends, I like the sea on both coasts , and when I sell a property and help someone realise a dream, large or small, it is a tremendous buzz.

My husband can't work, has lost a bit of dexterity, so things have changed greatly for him, but apart from the depths of winter he is happy with the dog & cat & garden at home, and of course the visitors!

I am happy to share my knowledge, advice, experiences with anyone, we are a tenacious race, us Brits, and it shows the way we intregrate and adapt to new lifestyles wherever we end up, so come on over, its great, different not necessarily better, but GREAT!

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