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french teacher in england;will do anything to earn money in france!


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A friend of ours got transferred to the British branch of her company in Strasbourg as an accountant. Spent 6 months perfecting her French and networking, then applied for, and got, a position as an accountant for the French subsidiary of a multi national company. Has been working there for a couple of years now and earning excellent money.

Mind you apart from being determined to live and work in France, she is young, beautiful, tenacious and ambitious! She also hopes to retire by the time she is 45!
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mrmulliner - I can't remember the figures but a huge percentage of the Brits that come to live in France go back to the UK within 3 years.  Some obviously go because life in France doesn't suit them but many go because they can't survive financially.  My husband and I live pretty frugally, haven't had a holiday since we moved to France, buy new clothes when the old ones fall part, live in a rural environment with incredibly low taxe fonciere (115€/annum) and taxe d'habitation (110€/annum) and still cannot possibly manage on less than 1000 euros a month.  I think that you will find that living in town your fonciere and habitation will probably be at least 3 or 4 times mine.

The tax that you referred to earlier, thinking that you would both be paying nearly 5000 € each, is a slight exaggeration but it's not actually tax, it's your cotisations (similar to NI) for health and pension and if you're only in your 20's you'll certainly need to be paying into that.

Good luck but think hard, it's not easy.

BTW, have to agree with Mrs O, and I don't think she was having a dig, just being realistic; you may have a degree in English but your posts, due to the dire punctuation, are very hard to read.  French letters and emails are very, very formal.  So best get into the habit of writing "proply" if you want to start applying for jobs in France!!![;)]

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