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Starting a business - date of starting activity

Rob G

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I have just about decided that I'm going to register as self-employed in the professions libérales. On the form that I have to use to register wi the URSSAF, I have to specify the start date of my activity. This is important as it determines, among other things, when various social charges start to become due.

My question is, say I put down an anticipated start date of 1st May, but then find that certain things take longer than planned and I actually want to delay starting until 1st June. I don't want to start paying cotisations before I've even officially launched into business. Is it possible to change the start date once it's been specified?

When I asked the (very helpful) chap at the URSSAF office he was a bit vague - said something along the lines of "it should be ok as long as you keep us informed". Given some of the amounts of cotisations concerned, I'd rather have a little more certainty than this!



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I made the mistake of rushing into registering, and then didn't actually work for 3 months. I changed my start date with the URSSAF, but it caused no end of complications because none of the various 'caisses' that the URSSAF registered me with were informed. So I was asked for money and had a hard job convicing them I did not need to pay.

The best thing to do is not to register until you have just started your first paying job, or are sure you are about to start one. This perfectly legal. You do not have to be registered to prospect for work or to work on setting up your business. The only exception would be if you are in a regulated field of work where you need to be registered with a professional body or have special insurances. You might also have problems with potential French clients if you have not got a SIRET, but if you say it is 'en cours' you should be fine. The only requirement is to have a SIRET when you invoice them.


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I just thought you may be interested in this if you are thinking about registering

I actually worked the cheque employee system for several months before registering although as I was technically unemployed for the previous 6months so I was able to complete a dossier called ACCRE which exhonourated me from my first years social charges...

 No-one, even an accountant I spoke to once ever believes me when I tell them this and to date I am the only person I have ever heard of who has obtained this in my area. Although I was unemployed I had money in the bank so was able to live and scratch a living as mentioned.

 Ask at your C.C.I for the info on this.


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Hi Ty,

Thanks for this. I've looked into the chèque emploi system and unfortunately it doesn't appear to be suitable - shame really, as it appears it would have saved a lot of hassle and potentially charges too. It seems it's only for people doing certain types of work for private individuals (mostmy domestic/help at home type things), which wouldn't cover what I'm going to be doing.


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Hi, our official start date was the 1st Jan 2006, however didn't receive siret number until mid Feb. As we are artisans we needed the siret number before any builders yards were prepared to talk accounts etc .. not too worried about having to pay for social contributions etc, but have received quote for insurance and this has to start from 1st Jan, bit peeved 'cos we'll have to pay for 2 months when we haven't worked. Am contesting this and might be able to change it if I can get an attestation ...




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