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Just Katie

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To teach,past tense to have taught, to have taught one must have therefore teached hence been a teacher.Tell me what you paid here in france and I will  send you a cheque,that is if you have told the impots of all of your feet cleansing.Still there is the fact that you spent how long in futher education free of charge?with very little benefit to the UK tax payer since you claim to live in france.One last thing,it is a little personal and I will not be offended if you do not answer but have you any kids only you say you resent paying for ours??????
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Of course I told the impots about Monsieurs feet. They were enchanted.

I took them a couple of the onions he gave me and said "tax that".

Would you believe it they took the onions. Corruption is all around us. You're quite right to be concerned.

P.S, I've only got a domestic science cse grade three. I must have been referring to teaching someone how to boil an egg. Come to think of it, it was Delia Smith.


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Hello Ms Kat

I can't bring myself to use the 3 K's solution to your long name. Is Ms Kat OK or can I call you Kat?

I have become embroiled - that's a Domestic Science term - in a sorry derailment of the thread you started.

Anyway, I'm still thinking about ideas to make money.

Obviously onions are useful, but they only go so far. I mean, the last time I took some onions down to Auchan they laughed in my face, tried to charge me for them, and then overcharged me for my wine, as usual.

I was serious about the plants, and the cards, and even the crackers, but I am stuck now. Anyone else got any ideas?



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Yeah KKK is a bit gruesome. If you want your onions to go far I've got a brilliant idea.  You could buy yourself a HUGE trampoline, (I know where ones going cheap) wrap an old codger up in bubble wrap stick an onion in his mouth for good luck and catapult him into infinity. Boufooooooooooooooon!! Sell tickets for the event and post pictures (for a price) on the forum.

 You kan kall me the kat!!

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[quote user="viva"]I always thought bird coffins comprised of a polystyrene yellow tray and a topping of cling film to which the birds weight rather than name was added![/quote]

Are you sure you're not my gay friend he's veggie too!

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On a serious note (no really) someone suggested greetings cards. I do that, but sadly France does not have the same card sending culture as England - & certainly not the small village I live in. I have only managed to sell a few to friends (making a total of 15 euros) .

I am trying to find working TEFL-ing but not round here. No bites at all yet. SIGH.

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Mmmm yes, I see what you mean about them sending fewer cards.

I bet if  you lived in a place near loads of Brits you could sell some. Or does everyone stock up when they go back to UK?

Have you tried selling them to any retailers?

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