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Just Katie

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OK What about this.  There's this bloke who has a market stall not too far away from where I live selling hair extensions.  Considering this costs about £300 (and thats a cheap job) at the hairdressers these extensions cost £27.00.  Also you need to buy glue and a dissolving solution to take them out totalling £35.00.  My hairdresser told me about them as she had them in and they looked really natural.  Anyway I went and bought some and he was by far the most successful trader that day with a herd of fillies around him throwing their money at him. They are good quality and come like a grass skirt, simply cut and stick and any old codger can apply them. Cant see the local Mairie having a problem with this one. May go down a storm in the university towns!  The brand is called hair raisers and you may find them on the internet (I havnt looked myself).  And no I am not advertising I am sharing an idea "Why"? Because I'm nice.
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Childrens Hand Prints.  Roll out a piece of clay, take a hand print, press over a frame (like cutting a cookie), fill the frame with plaster paris, wait to set, remove frame, peel back clay, run the cast under water until you have a nice antique effect, place in a box frame with a mount, place childs name on mount and age (he can write this himself if he is old enough) and sell!!  In UK box frame cost about a tenner the rest costs pennies and I have seen these on internet starting at £75.00.  Perhaps you could start a little network teach a hairdresser for example to roll the clay and take the print, collect the clay from her say once a week and deliver the finished product the following weeks.  Us mums love souvenirs of our childrens childhood.  Get one hairdresser in each of your surrounding towns to put one in her window et voila. Not too much outlay, you could start off small and if you keep your promises should expand quickly!!!!

I'm full of good ideas.

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[quote user="KatieKopyKat"][:^)]Right Okay.... If nobody else is going to share ideas why should I???? Your loss........ And I have hundreds of millions of them!!![/quote]

Okey Dokey Ms Kat

Round here you can do three Brocantes a year without getting busted for any taxes or anything.

Apart from/as well as selling your junk:

Make and sell nice trendy greetings cards - shamelessly copy the designs from paperchase or similar.

Grow annual flower seedlings in trays. Use your computer to make pictures of what the flowers will be like. Sell them for a massive profit.

Same goes for young trees/everlasting flowers/perennials, but you need to nurture them for a year say.

Take a handful of rice, at 2p, puff it up, put it in a box, and sell it for nearly 2 quid. Damn, that's Rice Crispies - someone got there before me.





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OK - here's an idea that I am not using for the moment: bird nesting

boxes. There are eeezzee-peezzee designs all over the www and the final

product can be made from old 6" floor boards. I reckon the goods should

fly (boom-boom) off the stall for upto €10 depending on the affluence

of the area and even with the varnish (and using new boards if no old

ones are available) they cost about €2.50 to make. I can turn out three

an hour and (since I don't sell them) have a garden full of birdboxes.

Bird 'flu? Bring it on![8o|]

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Jond, you've just given me a great idea.

Bird Coffins

You should really start making your Bird Houses 'dual purpose'. The marketing would be so cool.  'Easily converted into a Final Resting Place....'

I hope Furry Nix doesn't see this post. He'll never talk to me again.

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I assume many of you guys are all set up and comfy.  I read some of the desparate letters looking for work in France and my heart bleeds.  They have the courage or the rose glasses to move over and things get really difficult.  I just think it is kind to help others and share ideas you are not using yourselves just to get them on the first rung.  Remember guys what goes around comes around.  Liken it to a charity. Bless you XXX

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[quote user="Tresco"]

Jond, you've just given me a great idea.

Bird Coffins

You should really start making your Bird Houses 'dual

purpose'. The marketing would be so cool.  'Easily converted

into a Final Resting Place....'

I hope Furry Nix doesn't see this post. He'll never talk to me again.


Hells Bells! This could be bigger than Microsoft (TM, R) - I'll get

working on it first thing tomorrow. The children don't have school on

Wednesdays and this should appeal to their vile sense of humour. All I

need now is some black satin lining material...50/50 OK with you Tresco?

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Would that be selling them to brits in France?where would you sell them to the guy who,s vines you were cutting last year,ps did you declare the fact to the impots,or were you working on the black?Come on tresco you posted you worked for the guy who sold you some fire wood on the cheap,out with it.
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Bit strapped for cash are you Le Bouffon?. Feel free to use any of the suggestions I made in response to Ms Kats heartfelt plea.

No need to thank me. It's all part of the service.

PS. I helped my neighbour. You seem to have a problem understanding that simple concept. The price he charges for his wood is his buisness.

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Getting back to the coffins I all ways find it a waste of good material to just bury it. Why not visit a local garage and ask if you can recycle the used engine oil left over from the services carried out on the vehicles that they service. Then soak the dead bird in the oil prior to incarceration in the coffin. This,if you pardon the pun, will kill two birds with one stone.You could advertise as a micro enterprise providing a crematorium service for dead birds and having got the buisness sell them off as firelighters.


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No, not a fetish, just a simple act of kindness for an elderly gent!

It is so easy to make a big difference with even the smallest of gestures, don't you find?

I never said I was a 'teacher', silly. I said I had 'taught'.  Actually, I'm beginning to resent all the money I have paid to educate your children - assuming you allow them to go to school - and I'd like it back!

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