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Activities permitted within a micro-enterprise


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Don't know if anyone out there can help with this one.  We have a house and 3 gites, which we have been letting for the past 2 years within a micro-enterprise created in my husband's name (despite our best efforts for it to be in joint names!).  I have now been offered work by a number of immobiliers helping them with their English marketing/clients, and wish to do this on a freelance basis, i.e. invoicing them for hours worked/projects undertaken.  In England this would be regarded as a consultancy type arrangement.  What I would like to find out is if it is possible to undertake this work within our existing micro-enterprise or whether I need to set up a separate one.  Does anyone have any thoughts?

Many thanks

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You would most likely need to do this as a separate business. It depends on whether your freelance work will bring in more money than the lettings. If so, it may be possible to treat the gites as a spare-time activity. You need to speak to a knowledgeable professional - e.g. an expert comptable - who will be able to advise on social charges as well as taxation.

I'd also consider the attitude of your local tourist offices. Some will not help to market gites etc that are non registered businesses, in oder to cut out the black economy.

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If your taxation comes under the Micro BIC regime you can register as many occupations or sources of revenue as you wish. They all count towards the limit, Services 27,000 euros and Sales 76,000 euros. So for example you could have a sales businesswith revenue of say 50,000 eorus and also a service business with 26,000 euros, the allowable deduction for tax purposes would be 72 % for the sales revenue and 52% for the service revenue.

I have to say though I read somewhere the micro enterprise scheme excludes estate agents, could be wrong !



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I have no idea if, when the laws changed concerning Agence Commerciales

but when we were doing something very similar, sometime ago now, we had

to have a completely different set up just for the Agence Commercial


Unless things have changed, then  my feelings are that you may not

be allowed to do the new work withn your old micro enterprise. Advice

should be free (!!) on this kind of subject, it will not take any

proffessionla bod long to tell you how you stand.

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