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Micro-entreprise Earnings Limit (Pro Rata?)


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Hi,  I am hoping someone may be able to help with this query.  I am in the process of setting up a 'secretariat à domicile' through the Chambre de Metiers.  I have one large client initially, although I don't know how long the contract will last.  The earnings from this one client would amount to more than the €27,000 limit if the contract lasted for more than a year.  If I register from 1st May, do I get the whole €27,000 for this calendar year, or is the upper earnings limit worked on a pro rata basis, in this case eight twelves of the amount.

As I doubt this initial contract will last right through until Dec 2007, it would be great if I could use the Micro-entreprise regime. I have trawled though various internet sites, but am having trouble finding the right answer to this.

Many thanks in advance, Claire

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From personal experience it is the amount earned in the year that counts, rather than the period over which it is earned. So your first year coud be taxed under the micro regime, and subsequent years as regime réel.

I too fail to understand how the chambre de metiers is involved, or maybe I have misunderstood what you are doing.

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I started with the Chambre de Commerce as a 'Télétravailleur', following phonecalls on my behalf by our local maire. Having established that I wanted to perform secretarial services with a slight accountancy aspect, they then sent me to URSSAF to register as a profession libérale.  When I got there the man from URSSF spoke at length with the woman from Chambre de Commerce, and they decided between them that the most suitable title would be Secretariat à domicile, which comes under the Chambre de Metier.  I have now seen two people at the C de M, and am about to register.  The role is to encompass all things 'bureaucratique' so should go down well in France!!! Much thanks Will for the info re turnover, it's a great relief to think that I can at least start as a micro-entreprise, and then if the one larger contract comes to an end during next year, I can probably stay at that level, unless I am very lucky and find another well paying client or two.

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Well, I'm totally confused. As I understand it to be with the Chambre des Metiers the key word is "transformation", you take something and change it or create something using physical materials, bake bread, build a wall, make toys, repair clocks and so on. I would have thought that profession libérale was exactly how you should be registered.

Strange, I wonder where you may the most charges, Chris


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