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now here's the plan


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Hiya all first time we've posted on here so here's the plan.

We (my wife and I) plan to sell up,  place most of our furniture in store and find a small flat in the dover area along with jobs,this will enable us to hop over to France for viewing etc. What we are looking for is a house (of sorts) with land and a lake of around 8 acres to set up a carp fishery. We know it wont be easy and dont expect to get rich doing it ,all we're looking for is to be able to pay the bills and maintain the fishery,O and of course feed ourselves  etc etc.

So now the question arises ,how best to go about this, we are assuming we find agents on the web and register with them for the property,ok so far so good (viewing as and when).

Next what about setting up the business, probably most of the clientele shall be of u/k extraction (as in extracting thier money from thier wallets) (JoKe). We was told that the best way is to set up a u/k company via a u/k office and run the business from that, the company owning the property and paying us wages and ex's, and we shall be the directors of that company. (is this making any sense ).Also that we will reside in france permanently.

We shall be looking for this property within a 4/5 hour drive of the main ports, ie, Boulogne/Calais,Normany would be good but we shall have to see what comes up.

So there you have it! any advice or your oppinions would be most appreciated ,thankyou all for reading our ramblings.      


the impossible we can do miracles take a liitle longer


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Advised by whom ? The UK company will be trading in France and will own property there. It will therefore have to establish a representative office and file French tax returns. It just seems a way of more that doubling the administration involved. Suggest you buy 'Taxation in France' by Charles Parkinson and read it then go and talk to an Accountant in France or a UK accountant who already has a number of French clients. I know the book seems expensive but these days it is probably only 15 minutes

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Hi Anton

what was you going to say "15 minutes of what? overtime maybe ,we were told by a couple of fishery owners already set up in france this was the best way to go.I'm not saying it is, we just wondered thats all and yes an accountant has to be the most assured way to find out whats what, one would assume!.The book sounds like it could be worth buying,shall have a look round for it ,thankyou.



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The problem, is that there are few and far between lakes for sell in normandie, but if you require any assistance in setting up the lakeor if you want at partner in crime for the Carp fishery, give me a shout, also Dover is my home town, so if you need any contact there, let me know>>






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[quote user="thetwoofus"]

what was you going to say "15 minutes of what? overtime maybe ,we were told by a couple of fishery owners already set up in france this was the best way to go.I'm not saying it is, we just wondered thats all and yes an accountant has to be the most assured way to find out whats what, one would assume!.The book sounds like it could be worth buying,shall have a look round for it ,thankyou.


Anton is quite right. Frankly, I would ignore the "tax" issue (as in income tax) - if you are earning just enough to live on, then you won't pay any!

Social charges (as in NI) are a different matter - if you are working in France, then you pay your dues in France, regardless of the ownership/location of the business - there really is no way around this.


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thanks Mr B and Nick as we said before "we just wondered about the company /business thing we would rather do it the french way as it would seem easier on the paper work side of things. As for just enough to live on well we would have to make a bit more for the upkeep of the lake and stock etc.It all seems rather daunting from this side of the water and what you read in forums such as these can (not all) appear almost impossible to make any kind of business work albeit others have done it ,cant all be bad .

Mr B I'll keep you in mind maybe you could help us when it comes to finding some letting agents in your area ,we shall be looking for a cheap furnished flat and of course work ,needs must Im affraid but at least we shall be closer to France.thanks again all.

learning to walk before you run means you dont get a flat nose

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Sorry £ 25.00 = 15 minutes talking to somebody who is very polite and very nice  more expensive by the minute than anybody I have ever spent 15 minutes with and at the end of the interview will say <<I must research that further>>.

Buy the book, read it through then ask for advice about where you should set up the business from an accountant who is already working in France. If you put the effort into reading the book you will be able to decide if the person you are dealing with knows what they are talking about.    

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hello again

your words are good Anton  made sense to me,thanks shall be adding it to my collection ....I've had a look at that web site Mark (many times ) been on the market for quite a while. Bit to far down for us and If I remember rightly the house is about half a mile down the road, not a good situation, I dont understand the situation there the guys set it all up and now decides he has to return to the u/k because his/her mother is not well(would you )but what has to be done has to be done I guess. Thanks for thinking of us though


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Sorry to sound negative but there are a awful lot of keen Carp fisherman doing just what you propose to do in Northern France...I am myself a keen Carp fisherman and regularly attend private fisheries and fishing the Lot River (46).Actually looked at buying a 1 acre carp lake on the Dordogne/Limoges border at one stage.Look at any of the main Fishing mags back in Britain and you will see loads of Carp fishing holidays being advertised even as far down into Spain.I wish you well if you go ahead.You will need to know fishery management and stocking rates etc...I have a french friend who breeds Carp(Common and mirror) along with Grass carp and others breeds and manages two lakes and it's very hard work for very modest returns....
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