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G.P employment in France


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Does anyone know how I would go about working as a G.P in France? I am currently a partner in a rural practice and wish something similar over there but have no idea on how to get started, what's the difference in working conditions, pay, hours etc.  Can anyone help?

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My GP here is English and has been here for about 2 years.  She hardly spoke any French when she arrived but took lessons with someone locally who had a specialist knowledge of medical jargon and is now fluent.  Her husband is Greek and he is also fluent.

I asked her about how hard it had been and she told me that she just threw herself in at the deep and and had a meteoric learning curve.

She is very popular with her french patients and also the British ones.


Gail x

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For what it's worth, there is a lack of GP's in rural areas here in France, as there is in the UK. Here in Manche they offer an incentive scheme during training to entice newly qualified doctors to rural areas. So it would definately be worth your while doing some further research...........but I don't think that GP salaries are on a par with those in the UK!!


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Hi Gail, thanks for the info, I don't suppose you have any details of the G.P (surgery address or email) so that I could maybe send her an email to ask one or two questions? She sounds as if she could be a big help if she could spare me time for a quick chat.

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