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Advice Workers (French CAB?)


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My O/H and I are considering moving to France next year.

She currently works as a CAB advisor, and she was wondering if there is anything similar in France that she might be able to get work in.

Appreciate that the French systems - benefits, housing, etc - will be different.

Anyone any ideas?

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I think that she would need French almost to bilingual level (I guess that a lot of her clients will speak with strong accents, and use Francais familier) and a thorough working knowledge of French social security and other systems, and then she would have to persuade someone to give her the job rather than give it to a French person.

If her French isn't completley fluent I would think that it is a non-runner - but hey - I might be wrong!

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I have to agree with Dick Smith... although if you were lucky enough to get the words into the right ears, that something that is needed especially around here is someone who speaks english and really understands the french system... you would be worth your weight in gold to the UK community living in france.

I know my local supermarket employs one of my french friends and she got the job because her english is so good!!!!

So although it would be hard... you do have an extra string to your bow....


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Turning this on its head, perhaps she could offer an information service for French people wanting to move to the UK? Obviously this would have to be on a self employed basis and some level of French would still be needed but there might be some mileage in it.

(Apologies if this is a really daft suggestion; it's been a long day!)

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