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Premature Registration


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Is it possible/legal to register a new business with the CdeC/CdeM using the address of a house you haven't yet moved into, but will do in a couple of months?  It would be good to get a lot of the bureaucratic bits out of the way so that I can use my time more efficiently when I move in by actually grafting rather than form filling, but I suspect this particular notion is a bit dodgy isn't it?

Thanks. [:)]

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Mark - A change of address will probably give you more hassle than it will be worth - all the paperwork involved in changing it with everyone.

Also, you really don't want to register until you start work as you'll be paying cotisations from that date. Are you registering as an artisan? If so, it will be with the Chambre de Metiers and you could arrange to go on the course (stage) before you move (you don't have to be registered to do that) so that will be one thing out of the way.

Suggest you make an appointment with them for a chat.
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When you register, they ask when you intend to start work, it makes no difference to them if its in a couple of months. at this point just make sure the start date is in 2007, otherwise they will expect a tax return in May.


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We registered while we were in our rented accommodation waiting to move into our house.   Everyone told us to do it and said there would be no implications, Ch de Metiers just needed written notification of change of address (we were moving from one department to another, 5 mins over the border).  When I say everyone it was Ch d M and an Accountant.  As it was, we ended up having 2 meetings with Ch d M to reregister and paying all the set up costs again, because the Ch de Ms work independently in each department, so it was like starting all over again, even though we had moved only 25 mins away.  We were also advised by the Ch d M to register straight away and go on the course later (after the holidays).  This was a mistake too, as it's important you go on the course before you register.  Be warned.

I know it's very important not to work on the black, but it's also important not to register prematurely.  All Ch de M and Ch de C are different so make sure there are no implications with your particular office before you register.  Personlly, I felt that neither offices or the Accountant was particularly forthcoming with information to help us.  We reregistered in our new department on 1 Jan 06 because we thought it would make everything 'tidy', but was later advised by the MSA that if we had held off for two weeks, we would not have needed to pay any cotistations for the whole year.  No-one advised us on this before we reregistered.  As has already been pointed out, you can go on the course long before you actually register, and obviously once you register you will start paying your cotistations (although saying that, we registered July 05 and are still waiting for them, even though we've asked so many times we've given up counting).  We'll take a big gulp when they arrive...

This is just our personal experience, but a few things to bear in mind. 

Good luck.

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