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translation of qualifications


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Hi, just a quick question, i have attended the course enabling me to register my business and plan to do so in the new year.I have been told i need to have my qualifications translated , does this have to be done by a recognised translater or can a french speaking friend do this for me?


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[quote user="Albert the InfoGipsy"]Mrs IG has done a lot of translation work and I've done some. The standard pricing method is per word (or per thousand) of source document, although I'd apply a minimum charge for very short texts.

Typical commercial rates for non-specialist work would be of the order of 5p (8c) a word, but it can vary widely.[/quote]

So that's around 625 words in Lori's case. I think I need to come out of retirement and give the old Babelfish and my dictionary a bit of a bashing.

Based on Michel Thomas' theory that there's only about 600 words in everyday use I reckon I'm onto a fortune here.

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I was not pleased with the price either, but I HAD to use a Certified Translator and she was on the list and could do the work.  I did use another one that was NOT certified and they charged 40 euros for a full typed page (I have no idea how many words that is).  In the end I had to have the page I had translated by the Non-certified company re-translated as it needed to be by a Certified Translator. 

I guess prices can vary.

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It depends on the nature on your business/profession.  Generally in France it should all be done officially (traducteur assermente),  however for the registration of a business it may not be so onerous, a quick call to your local chambre de commerce/metiers should clarify the requirements. 

I am a british (and now also french) state registered Occupational Therapist.  I had to translate all my diplomas as well as the course syllabus, content of placements, grades, etc, etc. This had to be done by the traducteur assermente and cost me 350e in total.  20e per page was the price.   Good luck with the establishment of you business

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