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Complete France Forum

Renting in France - Gas Boiler Contracts ?

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My evil "ex" estate agent is saying that I will have to pay the cost if the boiler breaks down for the "next" tennant as we did not not renew the gas boiler contract (a gas boiler needs to be looked/at serviced once a year, with a year-long insurance cover at a cost of abour €150).

To me it seems madness to be paying for a service and insurance for a place rented out to someone else!

We moved out the apartment around the date the contract expired and so saw no need to renew it.

Does anyone know if legally the estate agent has a case here?

Not that I don't trust estate agents...(!) but I can see the boiler mysteriously breaking down and being replaced with a better one at a cost of several thousand euro's if they have really do have a legal right to my money!



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