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Registration of business - France or UK


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[quote user="Keni"]

I am finding this all a bit puzzling.  Keni


Keni, that seems awfully low unless you want to recreate ‘The Good Life’’.  Problem is, Haute Vienne is not Surbiton in the 1970s [:D]

Sorry, not trying to be facetious but even if your local taxes are low and you have some savings in the UK, you have to factor in quite a lot of  heavy ‘unpredictable’ expenses that may arise from your everyday life.  

 The other thing I think everyone moving here should bear in mind, is the fact that the French economy is probably going to undergo a lot of adjustments in the next decade or so. Therefore, to start of with such a low budget without a viable way of developing extra income when you move here full time appears to be quite risky. You may end up eating into your savings quickly.

No doubt this sounds incredibly condescending  (not my intention) but better that than the harsh reality of French life forcing you to abandon your dream.

If you are still puzzled, why don’t you simply go to your local tax office in France and get them to give you some estimations based on your circumstances, after all, they will be the ones who will make the final decision on what you will have to pay.  


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[quote user="Keni"]

I am finding this all a bit puzzling. We hope to retire over to France in the next few years. My husband will receive a small pension of around 5K a year, and we will both be in our fifties. We will just be living on the pension and a bit of interest from when we sell the British home. Will we still be expected to pay around 250e's a month each for social - that's about what we will be living on! We cannot find out from anyone what our dues will be.



some friends and i were discussing how much we need to survive on, admittedly we all have kids at school but the lowest estimate was 1200e a month and that would leave nothing in reserve.Have you thought what you would do if you had to go into hospital and had to pay the top up? you wont be able to afford a mutuelle.If your car breaks down can you afford to repair or replace it? unless you live in a town it isnt really viable to live without one.

Please think long and hard about what you are planning to do.We have seen so many really nice people go back to the uk having basically spent their life savings.Its a sad fact that even estate agents will tell you that two out of three english families return to the uk within two years,

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Some good advice here.  My entire pension (which is higher than yours) goes on montly bills: Health insurance top up, Taxes Fonciere and Habitation, State Healthcare contributions, Car insurance, house insurance, phone, water, electricity, bank charges - unavoidable in France - there are probably others I have forgotten -and that would leave absolutely nothing to live on if we didn't have Mr C's pension as well. The amount you quote seems tiny to me too.
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Thank you to everyone who has replied to my bit - and thanks you for the advice. We are not that green, sorry if I sounded vague on the posting, but I am a cautious person, not given to telling everyone our plans, However, we have had our place for 3 years, we can not really  invest in it unless we live there permanently we feel. The idea is for hubby to retire early - he has a pension as I said, and then perhaps for me to bring my business over to France. Which I why I was asking about registration and tax and things. We will also be selling our home, and, using the interest from the capital of the sale, live on that yearly. However we will still have the capital as back up, plus savings. We too have seen many people struggle, but because we have had friends resident for six years, we have seen what are needed for costs. My problem simply was that most of the people I know are retirees and have no wish to run a business. I would like to class myself as an artisan, but need to know the set up costs if I wanted say, a small shop. If that makes sense.

We too have a bit of land, and I would like a couple of chickens and to grow my own - which is somethingI do over here now.


Thanks you again for all your interest.


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I think your problem is that the French make little or no distinction between large and small businesses. Even if you make no money, you will still be hit for social security and other charges (cotisations). You can opt to pay less in the early years if you know you will earn less than average, but then if you earn more than expected you get penalised. It all gets averaged out in future years, so you can't avoid paying. Cotisations run at about 46% of income for an average sized business - then there is tax on top of that, if enough is left. Many people find that what they actually receive for all their work means they would probably be better off doing nothing. Sorry if it sounds negative, but it's reality. It affects the French just the same, of course, which is why there is such high unemployment outside the cities and main tourist areas. Of course, your business idea might just take off and you will earn a fortune - the more you earn the more you pay out, but you might earn enough for it not to worry you. [:D]


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