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looking for Jack or Jill of all trades!


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In process of buying in Brittany and  I need someone that can turn there hand to anything and live as one of the family possibly or separate accomodation if preferred. My son is a singer entertainer and so we would be travelling back to UK for gigs etc, some part of the year. But living the ideal in France need someone that we can trust to take care of animals and holiday business whilst we're away. All applicants welcome.

If you are at all interested please contact via Pm or email please.

Kind regards


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[quote user="cordy594"]

In process of buying in Brittany and  I need someone that can turn there hand to anything and live as one of the family possibly or separate accomodation if preferred.


Not that this has any bearing on your request, but, in theory at least, such a person can't exist in France - legally at least. It is unrealistically expensive to insure, for a start. There are plenty of multi-skilled companies, however. I suppose you could persuade one of these to move in with you....



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  • 2 weeks later...
I have met many people from South to North, German, French, Dutch and English who were looking after a Chateau, a Maison de Maitres and all other stations in between.

So I can only guess that this type of gardiennage is extremely popular in France. My hunch is that they are employed as something like gardiennage and simply do odd jobs around the property.

I know that one can often see adverts in the French journals and mags advertising for people to do gardiennage on their properties. You will need to make sure they are covered healthwise and any other charges but I see no problem at all with it. It probably won't be as cheap as it might look, once all the charges are added up but it is obviously extensively done over here.



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Employing anyone in France is a dear do. It isn't being negative saying that it will be, it is just a fact of life in France. The assedic look into all the perks of jobs, ie living accommodation and meals and deal with them accordingly.

What you think sounds like a pretty good offer of a job, sounds like it is full of problems to me. And woe betide you if the person doing all this for you has an accident and they are not covered properly, believe me or not, the gendarmes can get involved, fines and even prison. So don't take any comments lightly or treat them as negative when they are just telling the truth.

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