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De-registering from Micro Bic


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Hi all,

can anyone give me any idea how easy/difficult it would be to deregister from a micro enterprise?

Over the last 2yrs I have spent 18months in france renovating my own property,I have many offers of work in france one of which is to renovate/convert a barn for an english friend.Having read most of the postings regarding working in the black etc,I feel my best option is to register as micro enterprise, however, after the conversion (approx 9 months) I am unsure as to wether I will carry on working for clients or go back to working on my own property, in which case I would not need to be registered. If I were to do the latter could I just, fold the buissness, so to speak.

Any thoughts welcome,


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Having deregistered a French business (though not a micro, and after a longer period than you are considering) around the middle of last year when I returned to being a UK taxpayer, I don't think it is particularly difficult. I would strongly recommend doing as I did and using a good accountant. Even with a micro business it's a good idea to have an accountant for setting up the business and basic advice on running it. I think a lot depends on to whom you pay your cotisations. URSSAF seems to be no problem, but the primary medical assurance provider and retirement caisse can be more difficult. You basically need to keep paying, to the end of the trimestre or when your deregistration is processed, then claim back any surplus. That can take a time, I am still waiting for some promised refunds.
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ive just stopped a business i was on statue travailler independant on tva real simplifier. aslong as all your bills are up to date: urssaf malady and retrait you deregister with the chambre de commerce  who will inform urssaf maladie and retrait  you will need to inform the impots of your position and pay all your taxes. if not tva then this will be on your declaration of revenue due in may if you are paid up for your final trimestre you may be eligible for remboursement and will need to contact ursaff and give them details of your accounts and social charges

you will need to submit your final bilan dated from the end of your last tax year upto the date of closure this withthis bilan you will also need to submit a stockcheck

i did this without an accountant and dealt with chambre de commerce urssaf and maladie myself, i found all parties helpfull and although it has taken sometime for all parties to acknowledge my change in circumstance and send me the various paperwork that needed to be filed out and returned it has been less stressful than having the business. luckily my girlfriend is french and was able to deal with some of the phone calls. however i used the excuse of beeing english and not understanding very well in order to get the impot urssaf and maladie to help with filling in their required forms and info requests.

aaaah i notice you haveonly been registered for 9 months so you will be liable for taxes on your earnings you may find also that you will be liable to pay your social charges that you should have so far been exempt from paying if this is what you want to do go and see the various bodies and explain dont be intimidated by it and you should find them willing to help

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I don't know what the work involves but I assume that you could cover it within the of 76000 euros, including materials.

It odes mean that your customer would be paying full rate VAT , rather than the lower rate on any renovation work. However if its a barn conversion it would probably attract the full  rate anyway.

Don't forget that you will need to take out professional insurance for each of the trades that you will be supplying, which can get to be quite expensive.


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Cheers for your comments,

I've looked for sometime & indepth about registering in france & I've found the most difficult thing seems to be to work part time.

Ideally I would like to do a project, have a few months off & then start again, perhaps this will now become easier with (as I understand) cotisations being linked to earnings.Guess I'll register & see where it takes me.

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you will have to pay your coitisations once you are registererd regardless of whether you are working and earning or not so if you do not work for two or three months you will still have to find the money to paye your urssaf maladie and retrait as if you had been working
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