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Why do you stay in France?


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Tresco... I get by on Duck... and now I don't know if you know that I was only joking... or if you are being really sincere... tricky this isn't it when you don't know people... very easy to offend!  Still allergic to alcohol though!

Twinkle... sorry!  I should have quit whilst I was ahead and settled for Question Time! (you can use mine anytime though!)

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Newtothis, of course we don't work. This is France, if we wanted to work, we would go to the UK. You really are new to this. Don't worry, I'm a Newishbe too but have a gigantic gob[:-))].

After an exhausting day[;-)], I did manage to get a film in at the local cinema. A sweet Belgian film. Hectic day! 

Seriously though, quite a few self-employed people from the UK work from home via their computers and so, if there aren't any meetings/trips, it's easy to keep in touch with the forum without spending much time on it. You'll soon learn the tricks. Today was my day off so enjoyed following the forum as it was one of those 'unusual' grey days here.

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Naturally I got to this fascinating thread

too late.  It looks like its over.  I

have been following it for day or so, trying to find the time to write

something.  Its just too fast for me. 

Anyway it was a great thread, and it seems to have run out of steam

quite naturally.  The last lot of

humorous one liners seemed to remind of stuff I hear after a few drinks at a

gathering of one kind or another. 

Sadly, for medical reasons, I can’t drink, so I hang out soberly watching

people go at it.  Seems to me that both

the French and the non-French I hang with like a tipple, nearly every day,

sometimes more than a tipple, even earlier in the day.  Anyway I thoroughly enjoyed nearly all of what I

read.  Thank you all.


I stay in France because I own a house here

and can’t afford to buy one in Britain. 

Those who have two houses and are in the Classe Aisée, sometimes seem to

forget that not everyone is as well off as they are.  As for the French I read recently that one out of eight have a

second home.  That is, seven eighths don't.  Most of my foreign pals

around here are pretty comfy, no worries about bills or travel or eating out or

new furniture or really altering their house. 


I also stay here because the medical

service is unmatched in my local area and in the big city nearby.  I have had the same problem for many years,

and so can do a comparison of that service in both countries.  Well, technically, that service in one city

in the UK and one city here.  True, I am

not much a fan of private insurance and employing all the bureaucrats to look

at everything, twice or more.  But

that’s France.  I now expect it.


And I stay here because my wife is French and

she is staying here.


Would I, could I go back to Britain? I am

not sure.  Its pretty much the same

there.  Most of my good friends live

there, so that is a massive attraction. 

They speak English in Britain.  But I like

the weather better here.  And the

eternal struggle to speak French well brings it rewarding moments, and often

its massive disappointments.  I guess

overall, I prefer living here, which is a good thing, since I can’t just sell

my house and move back to the UK.



you, I wish my garage was bigger and we had some south facing windows.  And those lads and lasses on the motorbikes.  And the parking they do!

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I got here late too, but thought I'd make a late contribution.

We moved here for health reasons - I had a brain haemorrhage and was lucky enough to survive it.  I made me put my life into perspective and having visited France for the best part of 20 years and loving it everytme, thought it was about time we took the plunge.  Having the haemorrage made me realise that life is far too short and if you have a dream you should follow it because you might not get another go.  OH had been off work on long term sick with work related stress - again - why should we put ourselves through that - life is too short.

We had always planned to live in France one day, but there were always reasons not to make the move, so instead we did a self build, moved around a bit, got pay rises at work and had a nice house and lots of things going on.  It took both our illnesses to realise that if we didn't do it, then we never would, so we did.

We sold up in England and moved to Correze.  Now we have no income, no jobs, living off savings and basically having a great time.  Work on the house was and still is hard as there is so much to do, but we wouldn't swap it for our lifestyles back in England.

Yes the French systems can be a pain and very frustrating at times, like the guy at the tax office who wouldn't accept our tax return because we had no jobs and no income in France.  ..... and now that my E106 has run out, I find I have no medical cover and the French don't remind you - you have to do it yourself.  Every single piece of paperwork that has to be sent off MUST be copied as the French do seem to "mislay" things.  On the whole though, we have good French neighbours who are full of good advice, my French teacher also translates documents and helps out with people's tax returns, etc.

I wouldn't say living out here is particularly cheaper than England, but eating out is a lot cheaper than in England and a lot better quality.  You get real food for a few Euros which you would probably only get a fast food meal in England at the same price.

Living in England has its "challenges" and in France, it's a whole new set of challenges.  Instead of going to work from 9-5 and sitting behind  a keyboard in an air conditioned shell, I am now growing my own veg, working on the house, either in it or during the spring, summer, autumn, outside on the garden.  Helping our friends with their renovations.  Would you be able to give someone the leftovers of your roofing felt in exchange for a haircut in England?  Or swap your tape and jointing skills for a plumbing job?  Or just plain helping someone out without anything in return. 

Wherever you live, you have your good points and then the bad and you deal with them when they come along. 

So all in all, I would say, that France is probably where I'll stay, but if we decide to move somewhere else - it will either be France, or Crete but definately not back to England.

Regrets - yes - just the one - I wish we'd done it 20 years ago when we first thought about living in France.  With all the work we are having to do on the house it takes us longer to get it done now we are older and not as fit.  ..... but if we knew then, what we know now, it wouldn't have made a difference.  We love France and will definately stay.


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Glad to see my comments were taken as intended.   I work in that way myself Languedocgal2 so was just joking, I know you all have full and interesting lives really!!

This was an interesting thread and I like the idea of a thread on age, I could not guess from postings at all, would be fun to try though,

Twinkle, early 40's ,  Kylie-esque

Rumzigal, 30's,  likes rugby (and players), a mans girl with lots of male friends

tee hee this is fun.....  anyone else want to have a go...

Panda (a girl in her 40's)

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sorry about that, I am a girl, not a girlie girl granted but a girl all the same! 

What type of car did my male persona have then??  Not something naff I hope or did I come across as a fat bloke, 50's drives an ex-army jeep, 3 wives, 4 kids, smokes drinks, gambles?



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[quote user="Newtothis"]

Twinkle, early 40's ,  Kylie-esque

Rumzigal, 30's,  likes rugby (and players), a mans girl with lots of male friends


Very early 40's (41) sweetheart and no, I'm not as petite as Kylie otherwise I'd fall over - think Sam Fox and Linda Lusardi.  It's a handicap really[:)]

Crossed with Rumzigal [:D]

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My sources tell me that Rumzigal is a pot-bellied 57-year-old spotter of train undercarriages.

But you don't want to believe everything you read, and I think she's a 43-year-old tart with a penchant for..... no, best not go into that [blink]

She believes in God when there's a parking place free right outside the door of Goodies fish-and-chip shop in Romsey, because it's a sure sign that she should go in and exchange some roofing felt for chips and curry sauce.   No way will she trust a chip fryer to cut her hair though, although of course she has nothing against practitioners of the noble art of chip frying, and holds them in great esteem.  

Attention span of a gnat.  

Likes noodles and French comedies.


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I wonder if it is worth posting but I will anyway.

I do wonder myself why some people stay as they have many negative things to say.  I know the French tend to be negative but I wonder if it just cultural or is it really that bad.  I'm am American so I know even less about the Brits.  Some of you sound like you'd be at home here in Philadelphia.

My partner and I are planning to move to Toulouse this summer.  He is French and I obviously am not as I said earlier.  It may be a stretch but I think we are in similar situations as some of you.

an abbreviated CV

We lived in the Bay Area in CA for many years.  SF, then Berkeley, and then finally we bought a house in Oakland.  It was very expensive and we didn't have much extra money but we owned a little house, had great friends, excellent intimate connections with people, ate great food (CA produces much of the best produce in the US), perfect weather, it goes on and on.  After a while the stress was catching up with us and we looked at other big cities in the US (we were too afraid to go to France then) and decided to try Philadelphia.   We wondered if have a smaller economic burden would make the trade offs of living in Philadelphia worth it.

We sold our house in Oakland and were able to buy a home to live in, a duplex in the best part of downtown Philadelphia, and start a business.   Financially the move made great sense.  We live at a level that we never could have dreamed of in CA.  The thing is we are not that happy.  Of course I don't have a lot to complain about but we don't like the people here, the overall quality of the food is lackluster, except of course for the expensive stuff, the weather too cold, etc.    I feel like that was our equivalent of going from The UK to France, for an easier life, but realized it didn't make us happier so we want to go to France.

We thought about the countryside in the SW because of price but I think we need to be in a city.  I know we won't have as much money and  it will be tight but I am expecting it to be more rewarding the way CA was in terms of people, food, climate, and overall culture.  It is a tradeoff I think I am willing  to make now.  I am glad we tried the move to a cheaper place though so I know not to be tempted by "easier" living.

I work in computers and education so I know Toulouse is a big high tech hub so when I eventually get to the point when I can work I hope my specialized skills will serve me well in that region.

My partner is French but he has not lived there in 20 years.  We have no illusions about the bureaucracy but also know you sometimes have to try 10 times to do one thing before someone will actually do it for you.Philadelphia is surprisingly similar, even the French here say how similar the bureaucracy is, at least if you deal with the beauracracy in France you are living there, not here in Philly as they call it.

I too am curious why people stay.  In the US I think people are more mobile so if they really hate a place many pick up and leave.  Is it just hard but manageable?  Is it just a cultural norm to complain about things? 

Things that matter to us, climate especially not too cold during winter, access to good fresh food, reasonably educated and interesting people, diversity, Cultural life, public transportation, aesthetically pleasing, close to other things to do, not too far from an ocean, ease of using train for longer distance travel.

Anyone from in or around Toulouse that is dying to get out and think we are way off base and should reconsider.  We will have a bit of money from the sale of our house and business, and a small income from our rental property.  He'll be able to work immediately (I know if he can find a job) and hopefully within a year I will be able to work too.  I can teach English and design websites on the side until I am legit, I've done and currently do both now.

PS I find it strange that people move to the country and then find it boring.  I mean when I am ready to move to the country I would be expecting it to be boring.  That is why we opted not to look much in the Dordogne, we are not ready yet.  I mean we could buy a house for cash and not worry so much about work but then we might be in the situation we are in here in Philadelphia, easy life but not fulfilling.

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Tech-Teacher, hope you will find what you are looking for when you move to Toulouse.

Just a small thing to point out. You talk about some people here being negative without obviously knowing their personal circumstances. However, on reading your post, what I understand is that you were in CA and were not happy and then onto Philly but not happy there either, so it's now the turn of Toulouse..... I'm clearly missing something here becasue I feel positively positive compared to all that.[8-)].

Hope Toulouse brings it all together for you. It's a nice enough place with it's good and bad points (normal city) and if you and your husband can find employement or have sufficient income if you fail to, then there is no reason why you shouldn't be happy there, I suppose.

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[quote user="tech-teacher"]I wonder if it is worth posting but I will anyway...

I do wonder myself why some people stay as they have many negative things to say.  I know the French tend to be negative but I wonder if it just cultural or is it really that bad.  [/quote]

Hi T-T

It was well worth posting, as were the other 'late' (or post giddy riot contributors).

I wonder whether the 'negativity' stands out because on first findind the forum, people read mainly the 'factual' areas of the forum. That's what I did and they scared the pants off me.

Really this forum is a very positive place to visit. I may have said this a few pages ago, but I wouldn't visit it if it wasn't.

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[quote user="Teamedup"]I have been in the country for 24 years now. I wasn't bored, but now I am, a person can have enough of things. Anyway we are moving, so it will be OK.[/quote]

I know I am pushing my luck TU but are you sending warning notices to the place you are moving to? [:D][:D][:D][:D][:D] hopefully these are enough......

best regards


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[quote user="Dago"][quote user="Teamedup"]I have been in the country for 24 years now. I wasn't bored, but now I am, a person can have enough of things. Anyway we are moving, so it will be OK.[/quote]

I know I am pushing my luck TU but are you sending warning notices to the place you are moving to? [:D][:D][:D][:D][:D] hopefully these are enough......

best regards


Pushing your luck, you think so?

Anyway I want to know if you looked coquin up, as I wasn't quite thinking 'rascal'.


Warning notices, well they know me already, either personally or by reputation n'est pas[6].

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