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URSSAF/CPAM for carte vitale?


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As instructed, I shall be going via URSSAF to set up a new business.  I've also read that, as a self-employed person, URSSAF take the place entirely of CPAM.  Does this mean I go to URSSAF with my carte vitale request, or is that still CPAM?  Or UNCLE or NATO or someone else entirely?


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No, as a self employed person you will (most likely) be dealing with, and paying into, three bodies. A caisse d'assurance maladie - the equivalent to, but different from, CPAM (not to be confused with your top-up medical assurance) - which it will be depends on what you do, and which one you choose (as you can sometimes). They will issue your carte vitale. A caisse de vieillesse, which handles the retirement and associated parts of the cotisations. And last, but not least, URSSAF, which collects the other things, like the chomage (unemployment contribution), CAF (family allowance) etc. Oh, there is a fourth of course, les impôts, but the taxes are paid in arrears, rather than as you go, like the cotisations.

It does get pretty complicated, and can be very expensive if you get it wrong, so do use an accountant. Maybe you can get advice from one at the Chambre de Commerce or Chambre de Metiers, if you are registered with either of those?


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Hi There,

My husband has been self emloyed since October.

Without a doubt, we could not have done it without an accountant.

We were introduced to the acccountants and we approached them with trepidation but we needn't have worried as they have proved invaluable.

Our accountant is based in Brive but we live in Auvergne.

They came all the way from Brive just to have a no obligation discussion about our business and plans etc.

They then left us to think it over and left it up to us to make contact with them.

They have handled all the paperwork in regards to cotisations. Anything we don't understand we send to them and they put notes on explaining what we need to do.

Please don't underestimate the amount of cotisations you have to pay!

Good if you have money set up in advance to pay them for the 1st couple of years until the money starts coming in.

Yes an accountant is expensive but they can give you excellent advice overall even down to if you live in certain countryside areas, you may not have to pay tax!

They also dealt with the registering of the business and we then received our siret / securite sociale number.

Our carte vitale came later but you have to register your dependents with RAM the caisse that deals with Maladie I believe!

Good luck with your business!

Good Luck with your business.

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I have always found that a good accountant will more than cover his fees with what he saves in cotisations and tax. Ours, for example, got a 19,000€ demand reduced to just under 4000€. But that was exceptional and the demand was wrong, though such things are not exactly unkown in the world of bureaucrats. But bear in mind that every 100€ knocked off your taxable income means not only less tax but about 46€ less in cotisations. So finding an extra 1000€ in allowable costs and expenses, not difficult, saves a lot of money overall.

The caisse that deals with maladie, and will eventually isue the carte vitale, varies according to what you do for a living. It will be one of many which is affiliated to the RSI (regime sociale des independants).


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