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Will someone tell me what a micro company is?


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I hear many rumours about the French employment system. The most recent is that it is now it has been simplified for English to set up a "Micro Company" and work as an odd-jobber. From what I understand, this means you do not have to be a full-blown "artisan" to be registered, and you are entitled to do a variety of home improvement jobs for clients. Can anyone verify any of this? I have been told that the red-tape is a minefield of confusion, and I very much want to move to France and start up on my own. I even have people who want me to work for them once I get out there permenantly.

I want to be a part of the French system but I have no idea how to do it. Can anyone put this scary, looming minefield into easy-to-understand words of one syllable, please?

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A 'micro entreprise' is little more than a simplified taxation regime for businesses with small turnover. The actual maximum turnover figures allowed vary according to whether you are buying stock or raw materials and reselling, or just offering a service. Rather than keep account of actual costs and expenses the tax people allow you to operate using a standard percentage to determine the amount of profit you make.

You still have to register the business, pay cotisations (social security charges) etc. The so called 'new regime' for micros merely links cotisations in the start-up years to actual income rather than a notional 'average' figure as currently. though this option has always been available.

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[quote user="phatduck"]

I want to be a part of the French system but I have no idea how to do it. Can anyone put this scary, looming minefield into easy-to-understand words of one syllable, please?


If you want to work as an artisan then you must register as such at the local Chambre de Metiers. You will be expected to show evidence of your skills/qualifications/experience in order to do so. They will book you on to a 5 day mandatory course basically about how to start your business. You decide when you want to officially start your business and under what tax regime it will be. The micro you refer to is a "micro-entreprise" which is essentially the most simple tax regime. There are lots of conditions of course and it might of course not be the most appropiate regime for you. A good place to start is the APCE site ,some in English, which gives lots of basic information about starting your business. AND/OR speak to an accountant who will be able to give you professional advice.

I registered in 2005 and although everything has gone OK, it is a steep learning curve and I would suggest doing as much research as possible before you decide anything.

For example, as soon as you start your business you will have to pay cotisations whether you are earning or not.

Search on this forum lots and look at the loads of previous threads and ask as many questions as you can ! If your french is not good, everything is going to be very, very difficult


EDIT I see Will got in there first....never mind - the more responses the better

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