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help cotestations, deregistering ect


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not really sure what our options are so will rell you our problem.

my husband is registered as a artisan gardener with a micro enterprise. the first year we paid 400 euros for the year and earned 6000 euros , we are with msa. last year in jan we had a meeting with our msa rep who told us in order for us to be with them  with the health and pension we would need to do 1200 hours a year and pay the cotestations. no prob we thought. b4 this we was covered with the e106 newcastle. anyway we paid out 670 euros every 3 months last year as well as tax professionel of 456 euros ansd tax habitiation ect. the problem is we didnt do the hours  and can afford to pay this amount every 3 months.. my husband works 3 days a week but as we dont work every week due to illness holiday ect we will never do the hours, msa have said we have to do the hours. there is no way my husband will be working more thna 3 days a week as we have 2 little kids nd the reason we moved here was to spend time with the family. we get child benefit but other than that do not claim any money even though we r offered it due to havuing a low income. i do not want to sponge from the system and do not expect our health care to be paid for but it is sill that we are getting broke just to pay the cotestations. we do not have a mortgage or any other bills apart from top up insurance and normal direct debits of car insurance ect. would it be beneficial to register as a non professionel. what if we deregister the set up as  just a non pro doing gardening. do all french have to work 5 days a week, what about part time workers do they pay the high cotestations. can we not have our health with cpam and pay them  a amount. do ot care about a pension ect.


thanks for any advice and sorry it was long, also sorry for any spelling and grammer mistakes, wrote in a hurry with a 9 motnh old on me


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Emma - I hate to say this, but I deregistered with the MSA at the end of March last year. They then told me that I had to carry on paying cotisations until the end of the year as you can only deregister at the end of the year (31st December).

My OH had registered his business (Chambre de Metiers) on April 1st so we had to pay TWO lots of cotisations last year. I even went to the MSA in July to tell them that I wasn't earning anything, so couldn't pay, and the woman at the reception desk laughted at me and wouldn't let me talk to anyone higher. I came away nearly in tears of frustration and spent the whole year fuming that this was one of the things that they didn't tell me when I registered three years previously!

I found that we had to work a 40 hour week to survive. There is no way that we could've managed by doing a three day week as my cotisations during the first couple of years were 3800 per annum. (I don't understand why we all pay different amounts in the first two years - I though they were worked out to a formula).

Your OH should have been told at the start to work on the cheque d'emploi system rather than registering if he only wanted to work a three day week as the MSA doesn't really recognise part time work (or the wish to work part time).

If things are really tough Emma, go and deregister (you may have to pay for the year but you should get it back next year) and then make an appointment at your Mairie to see a social worker to try to claim RMI.

Good luck.

PS I know I shouldn't say this, but when I was working I used to get really peed off with all the "garden maintenance" outfits which sprang up around here every summer and were obviously au noir. But now, after all the hassles, I can't say I blame them!
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RMI question ive just finished working and become unemployed i was travailleur independant all my bills are paid and ive registered with assedic i am noteligible for chomage and as my girlfriend works earning 1000 per month on salaire i have been told iam not eligeable for RMI. iown my house outright and am reasonably financially stable for the time beeing although i have no form of income. all the running bills for the house are in my name. i am eligeable for training with afpa but not RMI has anyone got any thoughts yes as my girlfriend says there are many worse off than us but with the desire to eradicate RMI i feel that as i have paid ursaff and been taxed to the hilt for the last three years this is somewhat unjust were i not financially stable our situation would be very differnet my girlfriends salarie would not be enough to live on luckily i have a little money put aside

so what is the RMI platform and how much savings are you allowed to have

i have been told that the refusal is because my girlfriend works by anpe and the caf whereas my french friends tell me RMI should be calculated individually and should have nothing to do with the caf ormy girlfriends salarie


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The income of the whole household is taken into account when assessing your elegibility for RMI so if your girlfriend's salary takes you over the limits then you will not qualify

"Les ressources prises en compte pour déterminer le montant du RMI sont les propres ressources de l'intéressé, celles de son conjoint, de son concubin et des personnes à sa charge. "


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