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Building work in France...is there a need for it??


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Hello everyone.

My husband is a self taught builder and carpenter. We have just bought a small property in Brittany as a holiday home but are thinking of relocating in the next few years before our daughter goes to school.

What are the chances of him finding work either working for someone or on his own? Just testing the water really!

Thanks in advance for any replies.

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Do some research in your locality to find out how many builders or carpenters there are. You may find that there are lots (as well as all those who are not registered), or you may be lucky and find that there are very few.

If he wants to be self employed, he must be sure that he can find enough work to keep you all as once he has registered (it is obligatory and is done at the Chambre de Metiers), the cotisations (health/accident, pension and social charges) are hefty and have to be paid from day one whether you have work or not.

It would probably be a good idea to find work with a French builder (as my OH did) to learn French building/carpentry methods and language skills, before striking out on his own. It would give him a chance to test the water and learn the craic.

Good luck.
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Thank you so much for the advice. We will be sure to do some thorough research of the area but by the sounds of it, like you say, it would be better to work for someone else first to get used to local methods etc.

Thank you!

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