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Which Caisse?


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We are expected to pay CMU cotisations this year (to cover Oct 06-Sept 07) and my newly registered OH has also had demands to pay RAM from Jan 07, for which the attestation only covers himself.  I have opted out of anything to do with his business due to complete inability to do anything useful.   

OH is actually waiting for our accountant to confirm as to whether he should pay the RAM demand or not, having said in her opinion, as we're in the middle of the CPAM year, RAM should back off until the next cover year. (ie Oct 07-Sep 08)

To which caisse will I be accountable to and will cover me in future?   Or have I completely misunderstood the situation?


PS. I dithered about which section to post this in so if any of the mods feels it belongs elsewhere, be my guest...

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[quote user="Bastet"]

We are expected to pay CMU cotisations this year (to cover Oct 06-Sept 07) and my newly registered OH has also had demands to pay RAM from Jan 07, for which the attestation only covers himself.  I have opted out of anything to do with his business due to complete inability to do anything useful.   

OH is actually waiting for our accountant to confirm as to whether he should pay the RAM demand or not, having said in her opinion, as we're in the middle of the CPAM year, RAM should back off until the next cover year. (ie Oct 07-Sep 08)

To which caisse will I be accountable to and will cover me in future?   Or have I completely misunderstood the situation?


PS. I dithered about which section to post this in so if any of the mods feels it belongs elsewhere, be my guest...


Cotistations are always charged for the financial year. So, your OH (who I assume reg'd in Oct 06) is already 3 months into Y2. He should have received bills for part of 06 and all of 07.

I'd trust to what your accountant says. If you earned little in 06, then your 07 charges will be reduced to minimum. The appropriate caisse is the one he selected when he registered (they have all changed names recently, I suspect).

I don't quite understand why you are accountable to anyone, if you are not registered. If you don't do anything else, you should register as his conjoint, this gives you minimum heath & pensions cover, without it costing you anything. But, I am a tad confused.


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Thanks Nick. OH registered in Jan 07.  I don't want to register as a conjoint because from July this year, that will require separate pension contributions and I don't add value to the business and already have pension arrangements.

I was concerned because the attestation from RAM doesn't mention me, so I wondered if somehow, I will still be covered by CPAM and not RAM.

Because I had no reply earlier on and I was anxious about the situation, I subsequently posted a similar query in the Health section, the answers to which have also helped.   







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