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Will I need a NI number or equivilent?


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I have just made an application to work for a fruit farm this summer.  Can anyone tell me what happens re pay, will I need a NI number to pay contributions, or will they make the contributions for me?

It will be the firtst time I've worked in France.

Many thanks.

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Yes you will, its also duplicated on the Attistation (sorry about the spelling) that came before or with the card.

You can get paid with a Cheque Employ (I think thats the name) sort of a bit like how you would get a pay cheque in the UK. The amount you would receive is after social charges have been paid.

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[quote user="Dotty "]

..... I already have a carte vital, so will I be asked for this number?


On what basis do you have a carte vitale Dotty? I was asked the other day by a lady who is retired but bored and looking for casual work if working negated her carte vitale as a retired person paying into the CMU. I didn't know the answer.

 So if you a "retired" person or a dependent on an E 121  form from the UK,  would your working albeit casual, disqualify your entitlement to your carte vitale as it stands because your circumstances have changed or are you allowed to work on a cheque d'emploi basis without having to notify CPAM?

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Dotty, the number on the carte vitale (numéro de sécurité sociale) is unique to you and you will asked for it when you start working. Your own contributions and your employer's social contributions towards your pension entitlement, your sickness pay, unemployment benefit... will be credited to your 'account'.

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Ron, of course people who work have a carte vitale. If you are employed then it  is usually issued by just the same CPAM office that issues it if you are retired. It gets a little more complicated if you are self employed, because then the card is issued by whatever caisse you pay your health cotisations to. Taking a proper job with a French employer cancels out your E106 if you have one of those, but part time work under the cheque d'emploi is quite OK. The only time I have not had a carte vitale is when I was working as a 'migrant' under E101 and EHIC (it was E128 then), and although my CPAM in Brittany didnt issue one under those circumstances other CPAMs treat it differently. It didnt stop me getting the fees refunded though. So many people get it wrong with the carte vitale. You can be fully covered under the French health system and not have one, it merely helps the repayment system to work more smoothly.
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Hi Marina

t I think you are missing the point.

If you have a carte vitale or an attestation it is issued for a reason, in the case I cited  by virtue of the person being a dependent or by virtue of having their own E121, you pay nothing to the French Health care system.  So if you start working albeit temporarily then that changes your circumstance doesn't it?  IE you are no longer a dependant or for that matter incapable of working so if employment negates an E 106 are you saying that temping does not negate cover under an E 121 as well?
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Our own circumstances mean I would agree with Ron.  We had "joined" CPAM on E106s but when I started work my number changed from a temp one to a "proper" one and the "regime" within CPAM changed (from etranger to salarie if I remember correctly) Still with CPAM, no noticeable difference to us other than the permanent number and at last a carte vitale!


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