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cost of living in Paris


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Hi, I've just applied for a contract in Paris, something I've always dreamed of, because I want to get my French fluent. Seems like I've got a pretty good chance as my CV is a more than perfect match, however, it looks like I am going to have to accept a lower salary rate than I'm used to so I was wondering if anyone could give me an idea of the cost of living in Paris. I know it has it's expensive parts Latin Quarter etc. But are there cheaper places to live that are still pretty central? How does it compare to London for example?

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I've just come back from working there for a short while.  I thought it was VERY expensive, possibly more than London (but I haven't been there for a couple of years) Talking to the locals, who were in well paid jobs, it is too expensive to live near the centre, unless you are in one of the social housing schemes like the one I was near in Nanterre, but I would suggest you wouldn't want to live there.  The guys I worked with lived near Versailles and drove the 20 Kms or so every day - it took them around 1.5 hours each way - madness!  I think you may well have a long commute each day.  One of the reasons I gave up working in London was that I couldn't stand the commute anymore and paris trains/metro are just as packed. Sorry if this sounds negative but it is unfortunately the truth.  Good luck with your venture.
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I'm not familiar enough with London to make a comparison, but I've been under the impression that it was easier to find more affordable housing in Paris, judging from friends' experiences. Paris is a smaller, more compact city than London, too, so even if you live in an outer arrondissement or a suburb to economise, you will not be far from work. Very generally speaking, the lower numbered arrondissements (1-9) and 16-17 are more expensive than the other ones, but it also depends on neighborhood and finding a good deal. As you speak French and will have a work contract (CDI, I hope), you can try finding a place on pap.fr, which has the best deals for apartment rentals, but likely you will need to put up a guarantor. If you're looking for a share situation, don't have a guarantor or want more flexible lease terms, Paris craigslist & FUSAC are better but likely more expensive.

As to the prior poster's comment that many people commute 1.5hr to Paris, this is true, but for many reasons that don't apply to you. Alot of people would rather have a yard and house for their kids (I'm guessing you're single), have a less urban lifestyle. There are plenty of people paid the SMIC (min wage) who live in Paris proper (but usually with a flatmate or in a tiny room). And alternatively, there's much cheaper housing in the nearby suburbs (plenty of which are safe) only 20-40 min from Paris center by RER.

For other expenses, there are always ways to economize! As a paid worker, I don't think you have to worry too much about affording Paris, so long as you know how to be reasonable in your spending habits.

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