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Farming in France - subsidies and grants


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Has anyone any experience or information on the farming subsidies and grants available from the french government - we are looking to graze cattle approx 300 head on 120 hectare- if anyone has any information or contacts on who and where one must contact to receive this information please.  We have already contacted UK DEFRA who are unable to assist, and whilst we are experienced farmers we are unfamiliar with the French system of subsidies and grants.
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I assume that you have already bought your farm, in which case your Maire will be able to point you in the direction of your local Agricultural Co-op, there's bound to be one and they will assist you I'm sure. Your subsidies are EU, so nothing special there although there may some departmental schemes, economic development or what ever. I think you will need to register with the MSA, this is not really "my thing" so I hope that someone else will pick up on your question.


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We have friends who have a sheep farm here which they started up when they came over 8 years ago. We also know a dutch dairy farmer who speaks good english - his family has been here for 30+ years. If no-one comes up with answers I could ask them if you can contact them direct. Pat.
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Speak to your local chambre de agriculture for info regarding payments. For example, If you have cow quota(PMTVA) you will recieve 250euros for the first 25 and 225euros for all other eligable cows. Your farm should have a DPU(single farm payment) figure of so much per hectre which will depend on which department you are in and what the previous owner farmed or if they were fattening cattle etc. These vary greatly so you should check this very carefully and if you havnt bought the farm make sure that it is INCLUDED, there are a few people out there trading it but its better to check these things out before the shit hits the fan! Most things are decoupled now except cow subsidy and half the sheep sudsidy.

  These are a few pointers but you should make sure you know what you are letting yourself in for, it is not the land of milk and honey that some think it is. Use a reputable agent as this is essential even if your french is pretty good. We have been here(creuse) for 3 years and there is still a lot to learn, we have 80 cows and 150 sheep on 100 ha so you must have a very green farm for 300 on 120.

If you are under 40 and have relevant agri qualifications you can install as a young farmer as long as you recieve the right to farm. This entitls you to around 35000 as a grant and up to 120000 at around 1-2% to borrow, other cheap loans of around 2% are avaliable for up to another 120000 for farm improvments. Again you need to speak to the chambre concerning these as they vary between departments and it has changed since we installed.

Farmers and lots of other people are going back to the UK because it is very different here and they cant or wont adapt, people underestimate the language problems of trying to run a buisness here as i am sure many people will agree. But if you do like it and love it as our family does its a blast. 

Take care, Graham and co

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