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Business and Rmi


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I have posted previously about Rmi and had some very kind responses and hope somebody may be able to help me further.I registered a business in Feb and immeadiately ran into difficulties.My partner and I have been fortunate and have had assitance with Rmi for the past 3 months but realise the inevitable is to sell up. My question is, we are still paying reduced cotisations,are we best to let the business run till Feb to allow the health insurance as my partner is pregnant and due shortly. We want to stop the business now as we realise there will be tax issues and we are currently running in debit and will not now run into profit by the end of the business year but worry cancelling the business will stop health insurance and may cause problems with Rmi.Can anyone throw any light on this thank you.

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hi there,

more and more people are finding working in france complicated and expensive.  its not as easy as they make out in the magazines!  we were in a simular position to you.  go to the person who did all the paperwork for the RMI.  they have a business adviser.  they will help and they want to help.  the name of the assisting organisation is A.N.N.A. (in our department at least) they do business start ups and help to remedy problems.  we had a business that was set up wrong,  they have closed it and re-opened in another way, they have also helped with the tax etc and it doesnt hurt your RMI it helps!  keep positive. if you dont want to sell up then consider setting up something in another way, the fact that your partner is pregnant can only support your position, she will be entitled to plenty of assistance.  try not to worry.

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Mandycats is quite right.

You could also try your assistante sociale, the Mairie can normally give you her number, and she will have a regular clinic near you.

Don't forget, you are asking for the help to which you are entitled, as is everyone in the French system. Don't let anyone put you off. It's not charity, you're entitled to it, just the same as lots of French people.

Good luck to you, I do hope you get the help you need. (and good luck with the new baby as well)


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I am glad you got RMI - I tried over a year ago to get RMI directly by applying to CAF  and was denied any form of RMI after giving in lots of paperwork (half a dozen times) on account that I did not have a carte de sejour when we arrived in France in 2004 as a family. Made life very difficult. Thought I would be entitled like a french person, but was told that being from UK was to be treated different to the french, RMI would not be automatic despite declaring taxes over here for previous years. Did CAF make a mistake or apply different rules locally to the National laws, I still don't know and would love to know the answer. How long does RMI last for anyway? 12 months only or for as long as you need it whilst getting the business up and away until it can pay a proper salary? Can I re-apply?

Still curious.




P.S. I thought that carte de sejour officially ended at the end of 2003.

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[quote user="Gillian"]... How long does RMI last for anyway? 12 months only or for as long as you need it whilst getting the business up and away until it can pay a proper salary? Can I re-apply?[/quote]

All you need to know about the RMI:



The RMI is allocated for 3 months and reviewed after 3 months. After that period, it can be allocated for up to 12 months.

The amount allocated is based on various sources of income:  (http://vosdroits.service-public.fr/)

There have been changes (23/06/2006) for applicants from the EU countries and the EU claimant has to have been a resident in France for a minimum of 3 months and to have been in employment before being considered for RMI.

[quote]Article 9

L'article L. 262-9-1 du code de l'action sociale et des familles est ainsi rédigé :

« Art. L. 262-9-1. - Pour l'ouverture du droit à l'allocation, les

ressortissants des Etats membres de l'Union européenne et des autres

Etats parties à l'accord sur l'Espace économique européen doivent

remplir les conditions exigées pour bénéficier d'un droit de séjour et

avoir résidé en France durant les trois mois précédant la demande.

Cependant, cette condition de résidence n'est pas opposable :

« - aux personnes qui exercent une activité professionnelle déclarée conformément à la législation en vigueur ;

« - aux personnes qui ont exercé une telle activité en France et

soit sont en incapacité temporaire de travailler pour raisons

médicales, soit suivent une formation professionnelle au sens des

articles L. 900-2 et L. 900-3 du code du travail, soit sont inscrites

sur la liste visée à l'article L. 311-5 du même code ;

« - aux ascendants, descendants et conjoints des personnes mentionnées aux deux alinéas précédents.

« Un décret en Conseil d'Etat précise les conditions d'application du présent article. »


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[quote user="Gillian"]



I am glad you got RMI - I tried over a year ago to get RMI directly by applying to CAF  and was denied any form of RMI after giving in lots of paperwork (half a dozen times) on account that I did not have a carte de sejour when we arrived in France in 2004 as a family. Made life very difficult. Thought I would be entitled like a french person, but was told that being from UK was to be treated different to the french, RMI would not be automatic despite declaring taxes over here for previous years. Did CAF make a mistake or apply different rules locally to the National laws, I still don't know and would love to know the answer. How long does RMI last for anyway? 12 months only or for as long as you need it whilst getting the business up and away until it can pay a proper salary? Can I re-apply?

Still curious.




P.S. I thought that carte de sejour officially ended at the end of 2003.


Hi Gillian,

as you probably know RMI is based on the whole income of your household for the previous 3 months or if you are in business then for the previous year - if your total income for the period is less than the plafond then you can make a claim. It seems best to make an appointment with your assistant sociale, your mairie will have their contact details, and go along with your Avis d'Impot 2006 - once the forms are all filled in an application for RMI will be made and if you fulfill the criteria then you should receive a monthly payment based on your income level. Payment would be backdated to the beginning of the month in which you first make your claim. Thereafter, every 3 months you would receive a form to complete with your income for that period, if your sole income is from your business then you simply attach a copy of your Avis d'Impot 2006 until you receive the one for 2007 then you attach that one - assuming it is still under the plafond.

If you qualify for RMI then you will automatically qualify for CMU, school bourses and Allocation de rentrée scolaire.

However, in return you're expected to take steps to improve your financial position, these steps are arrived at in conjunction with the assistant sociale. Sometimes it's possible to find solutions other times not but the important thing is to show that you are trying. The RMI period is likely to be between 3 and 12 months and before the end of it you should make a further appointment with the AS and they will then review your situation.

Yes you can re-apply but possibly better to apply via your AS this time.

Good luck :)

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Thank you Clair and Gemini_man for a detailed and helpful reply. I am grateful to you both. But I was rejected on not having a cds at the time of entering France in 2004. My application was first made in July 2006, before considering going into business. Going into business we agreed would be the only solution for both of us to work properly to obtain a reasonable standard of living in France. I am also reluctant to apply via the AS as I would prefer our financial status to remain private - I say this on remarks that goes by in our village (those who are on RMI are often talked of) - I know we should'nt mind, but I do. Does dealing with CAF directly cause a problem? And I assume that working in France without pay for several months would allow us to qualify for RMI further down the road assuming our levels of income were still below the plafond. What is the level of the plafond? As it will be a while before accounts are prepared. To complicate matters a little, the company was incorporated in the UK, as we felt we did not comprehend the french laws and french company regulations sufficiently well to be responsible for a french company. We would rather pay the extra costs this may or may not involve whilst we live in France, declare our incomes for tax purposes over here. 

Thank you once again for your generous comments and information.




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Re: plafond for RMI -

Le montant versé sera égal à la différence entre le montant maximum du RMI et le montant des ressources.

so if your income is greater than the maximum amount of RMI payable then you would receive nothing but if it is less then you could be paid the difference.

RMI levels for this year are here:


however, aide au logement figures are deducted from the RMi amount if you own your own house.

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