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Graphic Designer looking for work in France


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Hello, I'm new here. [:)]

I moved here over 3 years ago, giving up my job to do so - I'm here because of my husband's work.  I was not well at the time we moved so I was not too upset at giving up work for a while. However, following sugery last year, I am finally finding my feet; and life has changed a lot.  I'm in the middle of learning to drive - I just passsed the theory test - and I am finally looking to my future. I really miss working and am gonig stir crazy being stuck at home all day.

I really want to work again, but I would also like to work at what I am qualified for, and enjoy doing - graphic design! I attempted self-employment, but there are already other, more established English-speaking design companies here (I'm near Nice, in Provence) so that didn't work out - I couldn't afford all the tax. I have been looking on the local AngloInfo site, but all that seems to be advertised on there is nannies, houskeepers and yacht people. Even looking on French job sites, graphic design (infographie) does not seem to come up very often.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to where else I could look (or have a job offer! [:P] )? I'm sick of being stuck here doing nothing, to the point where I'd be very happy to move to a different area of France if the right job came along. I've even been thinking about going back to the UK, but I'd rather not do that if there's a chance I can find something here, as I'm just beginning to get the hang of living here and feel it would be a shame to give up now. But I really, really want to work at what I am good at, and enjoy doing.

Ideas? [:(]

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I don't know of a successful entrepreneur who hasn't had a few "failures" (or "learning opportunities") on the way to their thriving succesful business.  I'd say give it a go again - taking your lessons from last time.  Start small - find your niche and be the very best in the World in your niche!  Get your marketing right (be wackily creative!) - but most importantly give 110% to your sales effort, and yes that will means cold calls and hearing "Non!" a lot.  (Sales is King - high costs, poor cashflow, inventory problems can all be overcome with a full orderbook!). Stay passionately positive and be a shameless self publicist and networker.

Nice is a great place to live - and the opportunities will be there or via cyberspace from there. My very best of luck to you!   Ian

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Thanks for the suggestions. [:)]

I guess my problem with self-employment is that I'm not much of a go-getting type!  I'd rather just have a stable job somewhere, so that I can have a guaranteed income. But I'll keep looking at freelance stuff for now, as of course, you never know what it can lead to! [:D]

Ho-hum. Just have to keep looking.

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