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Co-operative working

Tony F Dordogne

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Some chums and I have been discussing the possibility of working as a co-operative.

Before I go off to Pereigueux to see the people in the CdM, does anybody know whether (a) such a thing is possible and (b) whether each person has to be registered individually within the co-operative.

The idea is to sell farm produce (the farmer will be part of the co-operative also), high quality preserves, organic fruit and veggies, all on farmer's markets.  From what I've seen locally, I can't see the local farmers who work on the farmer's markets paying cotizations for both their farm and the stall so how do they do that and can the stall have multiple owners?

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There's an association called AMAP - Association pour Maintenir l'Agriculture Paysanne, a french version of community supported agriculture. Local people contribute financially and in exchange receive the veg. produce of paysannes. Perhaps this has some connection with your ideas. There's information about it on the internet. I know that there are several branchesof AMAP in our area. Another point - much of the agriculture in cereal growing areas is run on a cooperative basis. But no idea of the legal details.
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And also the "Bio-Coop" shops. Our local health food shop is such a co-op - all customers have to join and pay a yearly membership (15 euros) so that prices are kept low. It is now an extremely successful business, selling fruit and veg and bread and dairy products too.

Our recently set up AMAP is also getting very successful, beyond everyone's hopes.
Like Patf, I don't know about the details, but it is obviously possible.

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