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Activity principal (Location loisirs) and the TVA?


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Looking for a bit of advice, cher Forum users....

As I understand it, apparently, with business activities classed as "Location loisirs" it is possible to turn over upto around 75k per year without having to pay any TVA!

Here's the tricky bit......Is it possible for a an existing business registered as micro entreprise, who's principal and only activity is within this "location loisirs" category, to legally exceed the turn over limits of the micro-bic regime, and avoid paying TVA?

Key point being the principal and only activity! as Iv'e heard it's not possible, because it has been already registered in this way.




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I believe that, if you supply something, then the TVA threshold is about 75K€ - this is a EU-wide level and is the same as the TVA registration threshold.

If you exceed (or are likely to exceed) the micro-BIC regime limits, then you must change to a réel regime and register for TVA. I don't think that there are any exceptions.

Does that compute?

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Thanks Nick, Thats along the lines of what I heard really, but, what is "supply something" actually defined as then?   supply a service maybee?

Iv'e seen another reference since, in an article published in English, on another site, that suggests upto 76,300 Euros if it's classed as a "trading commerce".... how would that translate into a business category in French?


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If you provide a "labour" only - for example a labourer or a gardener, then the system is different (but NOT as far as TVA is concerned), than if you "supply" something - as a commercant/shopkeeper (your "trading commerce") for example.

It really is a complex area and you should seek the advice of a good, French accountant.

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