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Working on the black and UK registered companies


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I have recently been quoted by an english builder who is registered in the UK (something he says is perfectly legal and produces a letter from DWP to prove it) along with his 15 polish workers who are also registered in the UK but working over here for him.

My neighbour is telling me that this is not a legal practice and the english builder and the polish workers, are in fact working illegally. My neighbour, who is french, also tells me I risk deportation should the gendarmes catch him on my premises. I am obviously very wary of all this, but their price is a 1/3 the cost of all the other builders - I want the job done at the best price obviously but not at the risk of being kicked out of France! Does anyone have any information or experience of this?[8-)]

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You know they say a litte knowledge is dangerous, well this very subject was discussed on our chambre de metiers course so for what its worth here goes... If he has a UK  Limited Company stress the Limited company!! and he is not here more than three months ( I think) he is able  to work here ( don't know about the 20 Polish workers though!!) HOWEVER ( there's always a but aye!) He must have Both Assurance civil professional to cover public liability and Decinnale to cover his work it is illegal to work with out this and as you can't get this cover in the UK for here in France and you must have a registered business here to buy it here, we have a catch 22. If in the future you wanted to sell your property  here you will need the decinnale certificate to cover the work carried out or risk losing the sale and don't forget you will need factures from a registered artisan for these works or they are not claimable against capital gains tax on your property so alot of money could be lost. My advice would be get a few more devis and choose based on the fairest price and reputation and save yourself a lot of heart ache as if something went wrong as it soooo often does you would not have a leg to stand on when this fellow is back in blighty.

Good luck you know what to do really trust your instincts.

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