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Website income


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Like many English speakers I derive a small passive income from writing/publishing the odd hobby-website.  It's easy money though of course Google pays in dollars and I live in the eurozone [:(]

I assume that many of the regular posters on this forum do likewise (i.e. you speak English, have a computer, have time on your hands to post up stuff here - so why not get paid for your writing/ranting?). 

How many of you make a living just from your websites?  Do any of you write paid content for another website? Is Archant paying any of you to write content here (they don't pay me!)? Have any of you used an advert-broker other than Google? If so how did you get on with them?

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Di makes money but not a living from her websites. Some from Google ads, some from selling e-books and some from her original business as a VA. (Sadly the USD is worth nearly as much as Turkish Lire before revaluation but it's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.)

I don't think that she sees this as money for old rope since a lot of work is required in promoting the sites and keeping the traffic flowing. Despite this she prefers e-marketing to being a VA and is gradually moving more and more in that direction and later this month will be launching a new business venture.  

Google, e-bay and all the other big boys are moving the goalposts as I write so it will not be the game it once was.


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[quote user="Ian"]

How many of you make a living just from your websites?  Do any of you write paid content for another website?


I have sold articles on Constant Content.

I don't make a living from this, but there are people that do.

Lots of people want web content there  & if you can sell them some articles, they will sometimes contract you to do them regularly.

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