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Duplication of social security number


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We registered our B & B business in my name in 2004 and up to now have been paying cotisations to RSI, Organic and URSSAF.  Last September I received a letter from RSI saying that to simplify life, the payments to all three would be paid to them.  To cut a long story short, I've only paid the usual amount plus a bit to URSSAF, nothing to anyone else, and I now discover that I have the same social security number as someone called Suzanne Thorn(e) living in Poitou Charente and that there seems to be a total ***** up going on!!!

I would like to contact Suzanne, for obvious reasons, so if you're reading this, or know her, please contact me.


In the Limousin

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No probs.

It's often best, if looking for something in France, to use http://www.google.fr/ rather than .com or .co.uk; you can then easily select just to search French sites.  I put her name in and searched France only - a page with her business details came out as the first result.  Just in case you didn't have time to copy her details before the Mods

removed them (maybe there's a rule against relaying publicly available business information, so be careful not to repeat telephone numbers, addresses or emails for other businesses - or maybe it's because she's an estate agent [:P] - or maybe someone's just being over-zealous again), here is the link to the page with the relevant information.  She appears towards the bottom.

http://www.google.fr/result for Suzanne Thorne

Yes, I used to spend an awful lot more time than I should in front of a computer.  In fact, I still do. [:$]

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Sounds about right for France, they are just so c**p at the simplest things..........

My carte vitale is registered to some George ???? in an other department, and on my professional license I have the added bonus of another middle name, Francoise, knowing the hassle I'm going have I have just left it for now. 

I now believe what a frenchman told me shortly after arriving here, there is no pursuit of " a job worth doing is worth doing well" and under acheiving is highly valued, good job otherwise they would all be out of work!!!


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Just to keep people up to date, particularly Cassis.............I emailed and Suzanne rang me that evening!  Great help from the forum!

She too is having problems and had no idea that someone else might have the same number as her.  It'll be interesting to see how the RSI etc sort this one out.


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   [quote user="oscar"]Lachouette, how did you find out that your number had been duplicated?  That's quite worrying. [/quote]

As I said earlier, I'd heard from RSI that they would be the only caisse collecting my cotisations in 2008, and that they'd do this on behalf of the others, to simplify my life!  It's turned out to be anything but simple.  After several fruitless, 'there's no need to worry' sort of conversations with RSI about the lack of schedule for this year's payments, I asked the French médiatrice  of an association I belong to to phone RSI on my behalf.  She also phoned URSSAF as they continued to collect payments and eventually one or other of them admitted, when pressed, that I actually had the same social security number as Suzanne in Poitou Charente.  I've now been in touch with her and we share a common birth month and year, hence the duplication of a large part of our number............but why they gave the rest of my number away I don't know.  I'm sure it was mine first.

A strongly worded letter has been received by both URSSAF and RSI for the Haute Vienne, and when I hear from them I'll post more news.  I'm not the only person in this immediate area not paying cotisations when up to now everything's been going smoothly, and another member of the assocation has made payments for someone living in Pas de Calais!

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