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Micro Entreprise ... any news yet for low earnings??


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Hi all,

I was just wondering if anyone knew details had been released about likely cotisation payments for MicroBic etc with relatively low earnings?

I am resident in France and already work full time as an employee, but was wanting to do some Internet work on the side for UK customers. A realsitic annual turnover for this extra work would be around 5000 Euros, possibly rising slowly over subsequent years. Obviously under the old scheme the minimum social security payments would have rendered this probably not worth the bother!

Does anyone know what my likely cotisation payments would be on a turnover of 5000 Euros? And if this was likely to change (and when) with the supposed new "pro rata" payment regime I've heard about?

I was hoping to register the business to commence trading from 1 Jan 2008... Any advice gratefully received! :-)

Many thanks, Richard

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As it happens I found some information on a french social web site the other night and there is likely to be a new law coming in that refers only to micro enterprises and  you would be able to submit evidence of your actual turnover every 3 months and then your cotisations would be charged accordingly at a rate of 24% of turnover,  This is applicable where you are supplying labour only (it is 14% for those in manufacturing).  They said that this would be more realistic and hope that more people would come forward rather than working on the black.  In addition to this you would be liable for french pension payments that are normally E166 per month however if you are on a very low income you can appeal to pay only the minimum of E60 per month.

I have spoken to an english speaking liason we have with our chambre de metiers and she has said this is correct however they have no definite start date, I did read that the start date was 1 January 2008. 

Best of luck with your venture.


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<<In addition to this you would be liable for french pension payments that are normally E166 per month however if you are on a very low income you can appeal to pay only the minimum of E60 per month.>>

Jo, thanks for that. So if I understand right, the french pension payments would still be almost 2000 euros per year, despite the new law? (I don't think I'd qualify as a very low earner due to my full time job!). I suppose it's better than before however.

On another note, would it entitle me and my wife to a Carte Vitale? My full time job is outside France, and in Haute Savoie they don't give you one if you work across the border!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't answer the question you asked but interestingly this week I received my demand for payment of the final 20% of this years cotisations (Microbic MSA - entretien parcs, jardins, piscines et maisons). However instead of owing money I have received "rectificatives des cotisations" for 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 each of which has reduced my yearly cotisations by around 10%, consequently I owe nothing more for this year and will even be receiving a rebate. I cannot find any particular reference to which Loi this adjustment refers to so I don't know whether or not I should be cheering Nicolas Sarkozy but it is the first time in umpteen years that I have received a reduction in cotisation payments and that can't be a bad thing [:D]

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  • 4 months later...
Can I disgress for a moment please? Gemini_man, I see that you are registered as an Entretien parcs, jardins, piscines et maisons - what does this allow you to do please? My hubby registered as a gardener but this is proving to not be a wide enough heading - he is literally allowed to mow grass and cut trees. We will be changing his title soon if its not too much of a problem to do that - which leads to another question, has anyone changed their business and what does it entail? Would we have to go back to the chambre of commerce and re-register? Would there be charges for doing this? Any info really appreciated!
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  • 2 weeks later...
Not answering your question, more stating my interest in the answer. I am due to go to the chamber of commerce to register our business which is going to be a self catering gite, again with no guaranteed income, and would like to acces information on the best way to go and what options are available. I had heard that we could register as self employed (independent) or perhaps as a micro-business but have been struggling to get to any useful information with explanations of the best options. 
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Hi Sticky

We are registered for tax purposes as a micro bic. This was done at the tax office. As far as going to the Chambre de Commerce dont bother unless you are giving a service such as meals,Bike hire,Painting holidays or something like that.

We were given the information that we had to go and register our Gite business.... Rubbish, you do not have to register unless you give a service. We went all the way to Nantes to be turned away by them as we only gave holiday lets. They said point blank that we could not join and they would not let us join unless we gave a service. So as I said save your time.



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Thanks for that, as a matter of interest if you are reigistered with the tax office only are you still able to pay National Insurance contributions to get you access to the health service and what about other activities, presumeably if you can register the gite at the tax off ice you can also do this for other activities as well without registering them as a business with the chamber of commerce?

Sorry for the slow response its a busy time.

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[quote user="Sticky"]

Thanks for that, as a matter of interest if you are reigistered with the tax office only are you still able to pay National Insurance contributions to get you access to the health service and what about other activities, presumeably if you can register the gite at the tax off ice you can also do this for other activities as well without registering them as a business with the chamber of commerce?

Sorry for the slow response its a busy time.


If you want to have a business to get "access to the health service", you must be a fully registered business and pay the appropiate charges.


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I don't know about other activities but when we wanted to run our gites we went to the tax office and told them that we wanted to run them under the tax regime Micro-Bic and filled out the forms and was then sent a siret number to cover that.

As far as the health business and getting on the books etc because we were here before I think it was sometime in November last year then we could have access to the health service. We were paying cotisations etc as soon as we started running the gites. We do not earn enough to pay any tax. We were at the start given the wrong info and were paying CPAM for our health but are now with RSI.

We were worried when we heard about what  Mr Sarkozy wanted to do as far as non active Anglais etc and the health system as they can look at Gites as non active. But it all worked out because of the amount of time we were here before the deadline as we had not been here longer than five years as was one of the things that you had to conform with.

If you are not in the health system then a way to get into it can be to offer some kind of service with your gites such as bike hire. Even if you don't actually rent any out in a season which may happen as you offer a service you can then join the Chambre de commerce and get in that way as then your seen as active.

You may wish to get some other facts on this but this is how I saw a way forward.

Best of luck.   

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Yes it seems from what we have been told that if you register as a gite only and not professional that you do not pay for your health insurance and do not qualify for health insurance so a better option for us (albeit more expensive) is to offer additional services and register as professional so that we can enter the health service automatically. I think everyone's situation is slightly different so it makes sense to check out your own best options.

Thanks for your comments they have been very helpful.

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We had been with CPAM for our health for some time as we were given the wrong info. We are now with CAMO and RSI collect our health charges as these people are the ones to go with for gites.

We were ok for getting on the health service ladder as we were resident here before November 2007 at least I think that was the date.

President Sarkozy had decided to pull a blinder and it seemed that we may not have been able to get normal health cover and would have to go private as so many non active brits were told. Anyway I think under pressure from the UK etc they had a re-think and it was decided that if you were a non active resident before the date mentioned then you should be fine.

I think sometimes if you are not with the chambre de commerce and running gites then you are probably inactive, At least thats how I see it. We even thought as I said in my earlier post that we were going to have to supply a service just to get health cover. Anway we were all right. As far as what you can register at the tax office you will have to go and see them about that as I dont know enough. But you should be able to register for tax for any earnings under whichever regime you like. When we went to the tax office and said we wanted to run gites under a Micr-Bic regime they said thats fine and within no time we had our siret number and went from then on with no problems.

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  • 1 month later...


Probably for gites, the micro-BIC works out best for most people with regard to tax.  You declare your gross takings and the tax office apply a 71% abattement so you are only taxed on 29% of your income.

However, if you are in a régime réel then you declare your real expenses and are taxed on your takings less your total expenses.  As your expenses for an already functioning gite are unlikely to regularly come to more than 71% of your gross takings (they would have to be pretty big!!) then the micro BIC is generally more advantageous.

Best of luck.


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