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Another working in the UK/ living in France thread


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You know 1000 times more than I ever will on this topic Coops so it's obviously not this simple but I understood that after 5 years continuous residence one is entitled to CMU automatically so what is preventing that in this case [8-)]

Did their previous CPAM let them in on the strength of an E106 refusal.

Would this situation come under the 'accident de vie' provision perhaps.

As I say, you're the expert and I'm sure you've already explored most avenues.

As unpalatable as it may be possibly for them a return to the UK might be their best, or indeed only, option [:(]


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They have 8 weeks to go before the 5 years is up, Ernie, and the op' needs to be done before then.  And even then, because their new CPAM has refused to insure them for the last few months - one could argue that those few months in the last five years, could be deemed illegal, as they have had their health cover withdrawn. And what is more, we're still not convinced that CMU is the correct scheme.

The problem arises because, as Will explains, they should not have been let into CMU in the first place, as he is working.  In theory, as you know, employees pay through a work based scheme instead, under normal circumstances, but for mariners, this is different.  If the ship had been under a European flag, they would be covered, but they are not.  The curse of course is that the previous CPAM did not get this, and just let them into CMU believing, rightly or wrongly, that the scheme was for those who could get no cover by any other means and they felt that this couple met the criteria.  Their new CPAM says no - and it's quite probable that they are correct.

I'd be really interested to know if anybody else on here is in this situation.  This chap's shipmates are being very unhelpful in telling him what they do in this situation - I can't believe he is alone, and that this is the first person ever to have hit this particular brick wall.

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As the lady in question that Cooperlola is talking about, firstly I would just like to say an enormous thank you to her, to anyone involved with French Health Issues and all the other people that have been rallying to our support, it really does mean a lot to myself and family.

I hope to find a resolution, we will of course be applying for the 5 year rule after our 5 years are up so I hope that will be an end to our problem.

Just out of interest, any ideas Will why this organisation (part of the social security) would not be applicable in our circumstances:


my French isn't up to much but my neighbour (whose French) seemed to think it would be a way round our problem.

Many thanks

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Having just picked up this thread Cooperola, is Mogs entitled to repayment of the money paid in, or is that another French mystification?

Over in the Uk they do repay overpayment I believe, is it the same case in France, if the error is on the governments side?

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Mogs - the organisation in your link might be worth a try, but it seems to be intended for French nationals wanting to continue their health and social security cover when going overseas, rather than for non-French looking for social security cover in France. But I hope you get the situation resolved, because something has gone wrong and it was clearly not your own error that has landed you in your position.

Keni - it should be possible to reclaim money overpaid, but this isn't always easy and it would probably stand a better chance if done through an accountant or other professional rather than on a personal basis.

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Of course, we didn't or wouldn't even consider asking for a repayment, as Ernie says for the last year we have all had some sort of medical treatment.

Thanks Will for your answer - perhaps that is one organisation I should look at.   Is that the same as ENIM which I know deal with French Mariner's health rights?

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  • 5 weeks later...

Just in case anybody wondered, I heard this morning from Mogs that they have now been accepted into CMU by their CPAM, after months of wrangling.  Thanks from FHI to everybody who helped with suggestions/translations/ info' etc.  It just goes to show that you should never take no for an answer.

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RESULT !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm certain that modesty will prevent you from trumpeting your part in the affair Coops but at the same time I'm equally certain that you will have been hugely influential in this terrific outcome so well done [kiss] [:D]


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