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New Build - any happy people out there?


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We are off to France very soon to look at property AND to visit some builders so that we can decide whether to go old or brand new.

All I ever read is of peoples dissatisfaction with their chosen builder.

Obviously, people will complain more than they praise.

So are there people out there who are happy with the builders who built their house, that had no problems whose house was delivered on time (or before) and on budget? - or do they not exist?


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Hello- a very happy person here. Found our builder by asking the notaire when we purchased the land and they were the first name off his lips. Selected the house style off-plan, they applied for planning permission that was granted in about five months, and they started the build about five months later. The build then took 9-10 months, which was only 2 months more than expected. All the same that seemed a very long time and when we went out to see the house at intervals it was apparent that there were bouts of activity followed by several weeks of not very much happening at all.  I thought they would have had a gang of 6 people or so working on the house but we never saw more than 2 or 3 who were never the same, the earth-moving and foundations guys were followed by the brickies, who in turn were followed by carpenters, then roofer and so on. Was very impressed by the quality of the work throughout, and the only snag we have picked up so far (house was completed end february) is a rickety bannister that the carpenter will be coming back to correct.

Other snags though were about not knowing the form - apparently it was up to me to arrange the water connection - I didn't so that delayed the start of construction (they needed water for cement). Later when the house was finished the builders removed their standpipe but did not connect the water to the house - apparently that was down to me too. Also the septic tank had not been installed - me again, I assumed that when the builders said house was finished it would be finished with all services connected- not so. 

The builder stuck to the original price agreed in July 2004- this was guaranteed by an insurance that was included (but not claimed), and all we had to do was meet the staged payments when they became due. Since then house prices shown in the estate agents windows have risen beyond our reach and so I think we got a bargain. Some photos and details are on my home page here:  http://www.etribes.com/meras

I will be happy to fill in on any further questions you might have.

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Very nice Steve [8-|] and that's coming from someone that loves old houses and would never consider a new build [:D]  I have noticed your avatar a few times and thought it was an old house LOL I have to say the French do seem able  to build new houses that fit in with their surroundings sooo much better than those in the UK that always seem to look fake and out of place
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We are happy people[:)], I was just reading through some old posts and thought I would mention our current situation.

It has taken some time , almost two years in fact, but having done a lot of research and many visits to our chosen area, we eventually found our plot of land.  We visited many construction companies and eventually chose the one we felt we were happiest with (after falling our with our original architect).  I know it is early days, but so far they have been really helpful, they have an english speaking Frenchman who is designated to us which really helps.

We chose one of their plans which we altered here and there, they dealt with all the planning applications and didnt even complain when we put pressure on them as the CU was about to run out. They were keen to show us around houses they were building, at various stages of being built.

They are in the process of putting in the foundations at the moment, but so far we havent paid them a penny except for the dommage ouvrage which they sorted out at a better rate than we would have got if we had done it ourselves.  We have had photos of the site as it is progressing which is really good when you are so far away.  I know it is early days and things can still go wrong, but so far so good.



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Hi Jo or anyone else out there who can help me!

                  do you know what time you have after the CU is granted to start building, I thought it was two years but someone has said it is only a year and then how long do you get to finish building the house?


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Hi Joany

I am no expert , but with us it was a year from the granting of the CU that you had to start the build, we were told that in most cases you can apply for a years renewal without problem as long as there have been no changes to the plans.  I dont think there is a time limit once you have started but I would check on this.  We are using a construction company who have given us a completion date of 14 months from starting.


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I am no expert either but here is my experience: the CU (Certificate d'urbanism) our Notaire obtained was valid for one year which we had to renew before the year was out. Then we had to draw up plans and obtain Planning Permission (Permit de construire), which is valid  for 3 years.    
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