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Attestation of Completion

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The notaire handling the purchase of my house signed the Acte de Vente for me (as I couldn't be there in person).  I have received an 'attestation of change of ownership' but have been told that the Final Acte will be sent later in the year......is this fairly standard if you give the notaire power of attorney?

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It is the norm even if you are there to sign yourself.  The "Acte de Vente" will be more or less the same document as the Compromis de Vente that you already have a copy of.   It can take quite a long while (9 months to a year is not uncommon) to receive the stamped copy of the AdeV which is what you get as "the deeds". In France you don't, sadly, get a bundle full of historic documents.

Congratulations upon finalising your purchase.

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