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Forced to Regime Controlée from Micro


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Hi All

It would seem that the tax office are forcing me to change regimes to Regime Controllée, has anyone else experienced this?  Last year I went over the 27k earnings limit but was under the allowed tolerance which was then 30.500.  I have received no notification of a change execpt that in place of a 2042 form I have recieved a 2035k and also a VAT declaration form.

I called the tax office asking why and they were not able to tell me.  Last year I was under the limit although of course they dont know that yet as tax returns are not in yet.  This year I will also be under as I have part-time job.

The most annoying part about all this is that if they had said something last year I could have prepared myself for the change, now I will have to dig deep to prove some expenses otherwise I will be well down on income.

They also continue to send info to my address of two years past despite having completed the govenment site for moving (which I found on here) and having written to them and the other agencies, all the others, URSSAf, Cipav use ,y new address. 

Al in all not too pleased... they are to call me next week on it.

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[quote user="Panda"]

I called the tax office asking why and they were not able to tell me.  Last year I was under the limit although of course they dont know that yet as tax returns are not in yet.  This year I will also be under as I have part-time job.


We have found, by a process of trial and error, that we get a reply from a more senior person if we email our tax office rather than phone them. This senior official then seems to send us a reply which is both more relevant and more accurate to our query.


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  • 2 weeks later...


In answer to the last post, no I have not gone over before but have been told today that I can not change back to micro for 2008!  It's a nightmare as of course now I need somehow to sort out my expenses for last year to off set against my earnings, under the mico with a stright abbatement I did't need to account for expenses and so haven't!  I was under the (false) impression that you have some tolerance up to 30,500 beofre beng forced to change, this is not the case.

I am really annoyed about the whole thing but the tax office just shrug and say it's my fault for going over and they have no obligation to inform of the change, despite the fact that the levels are now higher, that I am part-time salaried this year etc, etc.  They do say that I can request to change back for this financial year but it's last year I am most concerned about.

Can anyone point me at a source of info about what I can claim as expenses and how to complete the TVA return that has just landed?


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